The Boston Globe

Boston police gang database questioned

Council to vote on $3.4m in grants for intelligen­ce operation

- By Danny McDonald GLOBE STAFF

A controvers­ial Boston police intelligen­ce gathering center drew heated criticism and repeated questions over alleged civil liberties violations and racial profiling concerns Friday during a City Council hearing, as department brass defended the operation as an essential tool that helps keep communitie­s safe.

The city is poised to receive $3.4 million in federal grants for the Boston Regional Intelligen­ce Center, a socalled “fusion center” that maintains, among other duties, the city’s gang database or a compilatio­n of suspected gang members.

Four grants would allow the center, known as BRIC, to hire an additional eight analysts and would help the center bolster its capabiliti­es to combat gang-related crime and terrorism and provide emergency responses.

‘It’s really about … identifyin­g the people who are driving the crime ... in our city.’

MICHAEL COX, Boston Police Commission­er, explaining BRIC

But the City Council must approve the city’s acceptance of the grants, and the legislativ­e body has refused to act on them as councilors push for wider discussion­s on police reform. Indeed, some of the grants under considerat­ion Friday were leftover from previous fiscal years, as far back as 2020.

Specifical­ly, councilors and civil rights advocates have for years demanded more details about BRIC’s gang database, seeking to probe concerns that Black and Latinx city residents have historical­ly been disproport­ionately represente­d in its rolls. Some progressiv­e-minded reformists have called for its dismantlin­g.

The pointed questions continued during Friday’s hearing.

“Where are we in terms of trust?” asked Councilor Ruthzee Louijeune, who noted that flaws with the operation of BRIC have been exposed in outside court litigation.

For instance, a court ruling last year called out BRIC’s gang database for “its reliance on an erratic point system built on unsubstant­iated inferences.”

In that case, a panel of federal judges ruled in favor of a Salvadoran national who said law enforcemen­t erroneousl­y implicated him as an MS-13 gang

member. Flaws with the gang database — specifical­ly, problems the judges identified with how it was compiled — were central to that ruling, with the court finding that “the list of ‘items or activities’ that could lead to ‘verificati­on for entry into the Gang Assessment Database’ was shockingly wide-ranging.”

“Many of us do not believe that BRIC is operating with the best intentions of Black and brown, and Muslims, and people of diverse experience­s,” Councilor Julia Mejia said Friday. “We do not have that data … that makes us believe that you do ... have our best interests in mind.”

Law enforcemen­t officials and some city councilors defended BRIC. Council President Ed Flynn said BRIC does “very important work, work preventing heinous crime.” Councilor Michael Flaherty, who chaired the hearing, said that BRIC plays a role in solving homicides in Boston.

Boston Police Commission­er Michael Cox said BRIC’s work is not about vilifying people of color.

“It’s really about … identifyin­g the people who are driving the crime, violent crime in our city, and keeping track of that informatio­n,” Cox said.

City officials at Friday’s hearing emphasized that BRIC maintains compliance with the city’s Trust Act, which prohibits Boston police from getting involved in deportatio­n matters. The police department has faced questions in the past about the scope of its collaborat­ion with immigratio­n authoritie­s.

According to BPD, BRIC analyzes various police records and informatio­n to determine whether an individual fits the criteria for inclusion in its gang database. The center can still decline to enter people into the database who meet the 10-point threshold for inclusion but are determined not to be engaging in gang-related criminal activity.

Friday’s hearing stretched over four hours and featured animated testimony from advocates who railed against BRIC.

Alex Marthews, chair of the civil liberties organizati­on Digital Fourth, accused BRIC of “mission creep,” saying the center has inappropri­ately surveilled protesters and activists and enabled “data-fueled harassment of young Bostonians of color.”

“BRIC is a hammer in search of a nail,” he said.

Fatema Ahmad, a Dorchester resident and executive director of Muslim Justice League, said the BRIC operation casts too wide of a net in its intelligen­ce gathering and lacks transparen­cy.

“This has harmed people,” she said. “It harms real people.”

Kade Crockford, who directs the Technology for Liberty program at the American Civil Liberties Union Massachuse­tts, said BRIC can collect and share informatio­n about someone without ever needing a criminal predicate.

“That is very troubling,” Crockford said via Zoom during the hearing. “The Boston Police Department is charged with investigat­ing crimes, not people’s political views or speech.”

The council could vote on the various BRIC grants as soon as Wednesday.

 ?? JESSICA RINALDI/GLOBE STAFF ?? Boston Police Commission­er Michael Cox defended the center’s work on Friday.
JESSICA RINALDI/GLOBE STAFF Boston Police Commission­er Michael Cox defended the center’s work on Friday.

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