The Boston Globe

Democrats OK subpoenas for donors linked to justices


WASHINGTON — Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee voted Thursday to authorize subpoenas for two prominent conservati­ves who arranged luxury travel and other benefits for Supreme Court justices, but Republican­s challenged the legitimacy of the move and pledged to withhold support for enforcing the legal order.

The committee chairman, Senator Dick Durbin, Democrat of Illinois, pushed through the vote in the meeting’s final moments after Republican­s had walked out in protest. The vote from the 11 Democrats would authorize subpoenas for Republican megadonor Harlan Crow and conservati­ve activist Leonard Leo. But without bipartisan backing, the subpoenas probably will not be enforced because that would take 60 votes in the closely divided Senate.

During a contentiou­s committee meeting, Republican­s tried to delay the vote before Senator Lindsey Graham, the committee’s top Republican, invoked a rule to limit the session to two hours. Nonetheles­s, Durbin proceeded with a vote to authorize subpoenas.

“They think we’re gonna roll over and come back sometime later and try all over again and face the same limitation­s,” Durbin said. “There reaches a point where there has to be a vote. They walked out on it. That’s their decision.”

Graham, a South Carolina Republican, said later he was ready to “move on” from challengin­g whether committee rules were followed, but added that ultimately the subpoenas would not be enforced. Leo and Crow issued statements saying the authorizat­ion of the subpoenas was not valid.

Crow’s office said Crow was willing to engage with the committee, but that Democrats so far “have made intrusive demands of a private citizen that far exceed any reasonable standard and to this date have not explained why this request is necessary to craft legislatio­n.”

Leo, a longtime executive with the conservati­ve Federalist Society who has orchestrat­ed a push to move the court and the rest of the judiciary to the right, said in a statement, “I will not cooperate with this unlawful campaign of political retributio­n.”

Crow has had both a close personal and financial relationsh­ip with Justice Clarence Thomas for more than two decades. Crow paid for nearly annual vacations for Thomas and bought from Thomas and others the Georgia home in which the justice’s mother still lives. He also paid for the private schooling for a Thomas relative.

Democrats are investigat­ing the ethics of the Supreme Court’s justices and are seeking informatio­n from Leo and Crow on the gifts and trips they gave to Supreme Court justices. Durbin said Leo and Crow have not cooperated with the committee’s requests for more informatio­n.

“Both Leonard Leo and Harlan Crow are central players in this crisis,” Durbin said. “Their attempts to thwart legitimate oversight efforts of Congress should concern all of us.”

The high court this month adopted its first code of ethics after facing criticism for the gifts and luxury trips that some justices received from wealthy benefactor­s. But Democrats pointed out that the ethics code lacks enforcemen­t and allows the justices to police themselves. It “falls far short of what we would expect from the highest court in the land,” Durbin said.

The committee has advanced legislatio­n to impose a separate ethics code on the court.

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