The Boston Globe

Inside Navalny’s final months, in his own words

Following news, reading bolstered jailed Putin foe

- By Anton Troianovsk­i

BERLIN — Confined to cold concrete cells and often alone with his books, Alexei Navalny sought solace in letters. To one acquaintan­ce, he wrote in July that no one could understand Russian prison life “without having been here,” adding in his deadpan humor: “But there’s no need to be here.”

“If they’re told to feed you caviar tomorrow, they’ll feed you caviar,” wrote Navalny, the Russian opposition leader, to the same acquaintan­ce, Ilia Krasilshch­ik, in August. “If they’re told to strangle you in your cell, they’ll strangle you.”

Many details about his last months — as well as the circumstan­ces of his death, which the Russian authoritie­s announced on Friday — remain unknown; even the whereabout­s of his body are unclear.

Navalny’s aides have said little as they process the loss. But his final months of life are detailed in previous statements from him and his aides, his appearance­s in court, interviews with people close to him, and excerpts from private letters that several friends, including Krasilshch­ik, shared with The New York Times.

The letters reveal the depth of the ambition, resolve, and curiosity of a leader who galvanized the opposition to President Vladimir Putin and who, supporters hope, will live on as a unifying symbol of their resistance. They also show how Navalny — with a healthy ego and incessant confidence that what he was doing was right — struggled to stay connected to the outside world.

Even as brutal prison conditions took their toll on his body — he was often denied medical treatment — there was no hint that Navalny had lost his clarity of mind, his writings show.

He boasted of reading 44 books in English in a year and was methodical­ly preparing for the future: refining his agenda, studying political memoirs, arguing with journalist­s, dispensing career advice to friends, and opining on viral social media posts that his team sent him.

In his public messages, Navalny, who was 47 when he died, called his jailing since January 2021 his “space voyage.” By last fall, he was more alone than ever, forced to spend much of his time in solitary confinemen­t and left without three of his lawyers, who were arrested for participat­ion in an “extremist group.”

Still, he kept up with current events. To a friend, Russian photograph­er Evgeny Feldman, Navalny confided that the electoral agenda of former president Donald Trump looked “really scary.”

“Trump will become president” should President Biden’s health suffer, Navalny wrote from his high-security prison cell. “Doesn’t this obvious thing concern the Democrats?”

Navalny was able to send hundreds of handwritte­n letters, thanks to the curious digitaliza­tion of the Russian prison system, a relic of a brief burst of liberal reform in the middle of Putin’s 24-year rule. Through a website, people could write to him for 40 cents a page and receive scans of his responses, typically a week or two after he sent them, and after they passed through a censor.

Navalny also communicat­ed with the outside world through his lawyers, who held up documents against the window separating them after they were barred from passing papers. At one point, Navalny reported in 2022, prison officials covered the window in foil.

Then there were his frequent court hearings on new cases brought by the state to extend his imprisonme­nt, or on complaints that Navalny filed about his treatment. Navalny told

Krasilshch­ik, a media entreprene­ur in exile in Berlin, that he enjoyed those hearings, despite the rubber-stamp nature of Russia’s judicial system.

“They distract you and help the time pass faster,” he wrote. “In addition, they provide excitement and a sense of struggle and pursuit.”

The court appearance­s also provided him an opportunit­y to show his contempt for the system. In July, at the conclusion of a trial that resulted in another 19-year sentence, Navalny lectured the judge and officers in the courtroom. “You have one, God-given life, and this is what you choose to spend it on?” he said, according to text of the speech published by his team.

In one of his last hearings, by video link in January, Navalny argued for the right to longer meal breaks to consume the “two mugs of boiling water and two pieces of disgusting bread” to which he was entitled.

The appeal was rejected; indeed, throughout his imprisonme­nt, Navalny seemed to savor food vicariousl­y through others, according to interviews. He told Krasilshch­ik he preferred doner kebabs to falafel in Berlin and took an interest in the Indian food Feldman tried in New York.

The court also dismissed his complaint about his prison’s solitary “punishment” cells, in which Navalny spent some 300 days. The cells were usually cold, damp, and poorly ventilated 7-feet-by-10-feet concrete spaces. But Navalny was protesting something different: Inmates ordered to spend time in those cells were allowed only one book.

“I want to have 10 books in my cell,” he told the court.

Books appeared to be at the center of Navalny’s prison life.

In a letter in April 2023 to Krasilshch­ik, Navalny explained that he preferred to be reading 10 books simultaneo­usly and “switch between them.”

He was frequently soliciting reading recommenda­tions, but also dispensed them. Describing prison life to Krasilshch­ik in a July letter, he recommende­d nine books on the subject, including a 1,012-page, three-volume set by Soviet dissident Anatoly Marchenko.

Kerry Kennedy, a human rights activist and the daughter of Democratic politician Robert F. Kennedy, who was assassinat­ed in 1968, also exchanged letters with Navalny. He told her he had cried while reading a book about her father recommende­d by a friend, according to a copy of a letter, handwritte­n in English, that Kennedy posted on Instagram after Navalny died.

Navalny thanked Kennedy for sending him a poster with a quote from her father’s speech about how a “ripple of hope,” multiplied a million times, “can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.”

“I hope one day I’ll be able to hang it on the wall of my office,” Navalny wrote.

 ?? ALEXANDER ZEMLIANICH­ENKO/ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? A woman placed flowers at a monument in Moscow on Monday to pay her respects to Alexei Navalny.
ALEXANDER ZEMLIANICH­ENKO/ASSOCIATED PRESS A woman placed flowers at a monument in Moscow on Monday to pay her respects to Alexei Navalny.

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