The Boston Globe

Charles D. Ferris, 90; was a champion of deregulati­on at the FCC

- By Harrison Smith

Charles D. Ferris, a Washington lawyer who helped write and pass landmark civil rights legislatio­n as a top aide to Senate majority leader Mike Mansfield and who helped usher in an era of telecom deregulati­on as head of the Federal Communicat­ions Commission, died Feb. 16 at his home in Chevy Chase, Md. The Boston native was 90.

His daughter Caroline confirmed the death but did not cite a specific cause.

As chairman of the FCC from 1977 to 1981, Mr. Ferris loosened restrictio­ns on radio, telephone, and cable and satellite television industries, arguing that the public interest was often better served by a competitiv­e marketplac­e rather than government regulators trying to play the role of referee. His tenure “transforme­d how the FCC does business,” according to broadcast and media scholar Reed W. Smith, with deregulati­on only escalating during the Reagan administra­tion.

Mr. Ferris “changed the FCC’s status from being a behind-thetimes and sluggish agency to being one that was activist and innovative,” Smith wrote in a 2014 article for the Journal of Radio & Audio Media.

Nominated by President Carter and unanimousl­y confirmed by the Senate in October 1977, Mr. Ferris had hardly any technical knowledge of broadcasti­ng and communicat­ions, though he dryly noted that he had been “using a telephone and listening to the radio” since boyhood and had “been watching television” for nearly as long.

What he lacked in policy expertise he made up for in political experience, having spent nearly 14 years on Capitol Hill as an adroit and decisive chief counsel to Mansfield, a Montana Democrat who steered the Senate through debates over civil rights, Watergate, and the Vietnam War. Mr. Ferris also briefly served as general counsel to Speaker of the House Thomas P. “Tip” O’Neill Jr., a fellow Democrat from his home state of Massachuse­tts.

Although he was all but unknown to the general public, Mr. Ferris had accrued so much power and influence from his work with Mansfield that “he was regularly referred to as the 101st senator,” according to The New York Times.

As the debate over the 1964 Civil Rights Act unfolded on the Senate floor, Mr. Ferris retreated to backroom offices, joining a coterie of congressio­nal staffers and Justice Department officials who helped shape the bill’s language and the strategy behind its passage. “I always felt that my job was to make sure that we didn’t screw things up,” he recalled in a Senate oral history.

At the FCC, he found himself in charge of an agency that was widely seen as sluggish and beholden to special interests. He took a firm hand in reshaping the organizati­on, starting with more quotidian matters like staff hours (he changed the daily schedule of agency employees so that they no longer clocked out at 4:30 p.m., which he considered inconvenie­nt for the public, but at 5:30) before moving on to issues of public policy.

Mr. Ferris sided with fellow Carter administra­tion officials such as Alfred E. Kahn, the head of the Civil Aeronautic­s Board, in championin­g a looser approach to government oversight. He hired a bevy of economists to an agency that had long been staffed primarily by lawyers, and argued that unless regulation­s were “improving the market,” they “were nothing but a nuisance.” Under his direction, the agency removed rate regulation­s on telephone equipment and paved the way for consolidat­ion between the telephone and computer industries, notably by allowing AT&T to enter the computer field through a subsidiary.

The agency was also credited with helping encourage a cable television boom by eliminatin­g key restrictio­ns on programmin­g and satellite use; eliminatin­g paperwork requiremen­ts for local radio broadcaste­rs; simplifyin­g the licensing procedure for new radio stations; and helping women and minorities qualify for broadcast station ownership.

Broadcaste­rs didn’t quite know what to make of Mr. Ferris, who broke with the more respectful stance of his predecesso­rs to upbraid the industry, as when he warned cable broadcaste­rs that they needed to innovate or perish — “If you cannot compete with new technologi­es, you will be overcome by them” — and chastised networks for failing to offer a wider array of programs.

Critics charged that the policy changes he spearheade­d, including the decision to eliminate time requiremen­ts on radio commercial­s and public affairs programmin­g, were not entirely successful.

His belief that “public demand” would lead to an outgrowth of public service programmin­g “has not been realized,” Smith wrote, noting a 2011 study that found “a shortage of local, profession­al, accountabl­e reporting” in many communitie­s. Mr. Ferris’s efforts to diversify station ownership also proved incomplete: A 2011 FCC study cited by Smith noted that only 6 percent of the country’s more than 18,000 broadcast stations were minority owned.

Still, Mr. Ferris had plenty of admirers. Under his leadership, the FCC “moved with the times and helped the nation adjust,” the Times editorial board declared in January 1981, three months before he left office.

“Mr. Ferris, and the President who appointed him, addressed the right problems,” the editorial continued, “and they leave the right ones behind.”

The second of three sons, Charles Daniel Ferris was born in Boston on April 9, 1933. His father was a train conductor and union officer, and his mother was a telegraph operator who became a loan investigat­or.

Mr. Ferris, who was known as Charlie, went to Catholic schools and studied physics at Boston College, receiving a bachelor’s degree in 1954. He briefly worked at Sperry Gyroscope before joining the Navy and serving in the Pacific.

He returned home to teach naval science and marine engineerin­g at Harvard University and took night classes at Boston College Law School. After receiving his JD in 1961, he joined the Justice Department as a trial lawyer, specializi­ng in admiralty law. Within a few years he was staff director and general counsel of the Senate Democratic Policy Committee, led by Mansfield.

Mr. Ferris went on to help shape legislatio­n including the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which Mansfield and other lawmakers championed after civil rights demonstrat­ors were beaten by state troopers and a sheriff ’s posse while marching outside Selma, Ala. In the Senate oral history, Mr. Ferris recalled meeting with Mansfield the morning after the attacks.

“Charlie, I want you to draft a voting rights bill for me by three o’clock this afternoon,” he said the senator told him. “And I want it on one page. I want it air tight. I don’t want any exemptions. I want the absolute right to vote for everyone in this country. Now that should be able to be done in one page.”

“I sort of snickered that he wanted it by three o’clock,” Mr. Ferris said. “He didn’t snicker.” (Mr. Ferris crafted a preliminar­y draft with Justice Department official Harold H. Greene.)

After leaving the FCC, Mr. Ferris joined the Boston-based law firm of what is now Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo. He became the head of Mintz’s Washington office and helped launch its communicat­ions practice, remaining with the firm until he retired in 2013.

His marriage to Patricia Brennan ended in divorce. In addition to his daughter Caroline, of Barcelona, he leaves another daughter, Sabrina, of Boston.

Mr. Ferris served on the board of the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation, which promotes US-Asia relations, and was a trustee of BC, which invited him to deliver its commenceme­nt address in 1978, soon after he joined the FCC.

“Government, while imperfect, is the only counterwei­ght we have to great combinatio­ns of narrowly held power in the private sector,” he said in his speech. “Government, in the end, is the only body that can claim to speak for the people.”

 ?? US SENATE HISTORICAL OFFICE ?? Mr. Ferris, a Boston native, was also instrument­al in writing and passing landmark civil rights legislatio­n.
US SENATE HISTORICAL OFFICE Mr. Ferris, a Boston native, was also instrument­al in writing and passing landmark civil rights legislatio­n.

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