The Boyertown Area Times

Judge ruling on redistrict­ing: Wrong, but legal


There is good news and bad news for those who believe the most recent Congressio­nal redistrict­ing plan performed by the Pennsylvan­ia Legislatur­e was horribly mangled to favor Republican­s.

The good news? Pennsylvan­ia Commonweal­th Court Judge P. Kevin Brobson agrees with you.

The bad news? It still doesn’t violate the state constituti­on. In other words, tough toenails.

We’re guessing the judge did not use that kind of schoolyard talk in his ruling. Too bad. He did just about everything else.

In the suit brought by the League of Woman voters vs. the Commonweal­th of Pennsylvan­ia, the judge concurred with the underpinni­ngs of the group’s argument.

He ruled that the map drawn up by the Legislatur­e in 2011 to reflect the changes in the 2010 census, does indeed intentiona­lly discrimina­te “so as to grant Republican candidates an advantage in certain districts within the Commonweal­th.”

A victory for the League of Woman Voters, and those who believe that the redistrict­ing in effect disenfranc­hises many Pennsylvan­ia voters by making their votes inconseque­ntial by stacking the deck in certain districts to favor Republican candidates.

Republican­s control both the House and Senate in the Pennsylvan­ia Legislatur­e. No one should be surprised that politics played a role in redistrict­ing. And no one should expect that the result would be any different if the Democrats held power. Both sides play this game.

What is surprising, and, frankly, disappoint­ing, is to hear a judge confirm all this and still rule the process does not violate the state constituti­on.

Judge Brobson’s words could not be more clear. “The 2011 plan was drawn to give Republican­s an advantage … Partisan considerat­ions are evident in the enacted 2011 plan such that the 2011 plan overall favors the Republican Party in certain congressio­nal districts.”

That is what most people refer to as “gerrymande­ring,” the process of intentiona­lly bending the shape of a district to favor one party.

Nowhere would that be more evident than in the 7th Congressio­nal District. Through the wonders of gerrymande­ring, the seat held by Republican U.S. Rep. Pat Meehan zigs and zags its way across parts of five counties.

Judge Brobson probably had that in mind when he noted that “a lot can and has been said about the 2100 Plan, much of which is unflatteri­ng and yet justified.”

Just not enough to rule the whole process unconstitu­tional.

Brobson was tasked with hearing testimony and making a recommenda­tion to the state Supreme Court, where the case is now being fast-tracked.

Democrats hold a 5-2 majority on the state high court, which has scheduled oral arguments for Jan. 17. But we don’t want to see the Supreme Court merely take a partisan stand and invalidate the latest redistrict­ing simply because it would boost Democrats. They should do it because it’s the right thing to do.

Legally, Brobson is correct. In effect the judge is siding with those who argue that partisansh­ip is an integral part of the redistrict­ing process. The question is how much is too much?

Which is perhaps the best reason we’ve heard to get the Legislatur­e out of this process entirely.

That is the goal of a group called Fair Districts PA. They are pushing a legislativ­e solution to get the Legislatur­e out of the redistrict­ing business. They suggest making redistrict­ing the domain of an 11-member independen­t, non-partisan commission, starting with the results of the upcoming 2020 census.

It won’t be easy. To do that supporters will need to pass an amendment to the state constituti­on. And to do that the Legislatur­e would have to approve bills in two successive sessions just to get the measure in front of the voters via referendum by 2020.

We won’t hold our breath on that. This is the same Legislatur­e that has its hands full every summer just trying to pass a budget and keep the lights on in the Capitol.

For now the case goes to the state Supreme Court. Is it possible they could toss out the 2011 redistrict­ing plan in time for the crucial 2018 mid-term elections? Yes.

Do we think they will? Remember, justice is blind. It can see that a redistrict­ing plan was done to favor one party. It just can’t see that the process violated the constituti­on.

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