The Boyertown Area Times

Sunlight is the best disinfecta­nt in government

- Jerry Shenk

Spearheade­d by left-wing media, the American left incessantl­y and repetitive­ly levels dozens of mostly superficia­l charges at President Donald Trump.

They call him a bully, a tyrant, an embarrassm­ent, a buffoon. Yet, unlike genuine tyrants, President Trump hasn’t executed or even imprisoned a single critic; his “bullying” has largely been in response to media attacks; the left’s faces are crimson from anger, not embarrassm­ent; and no one is laughing at the president. The bellyacher­s remain too apoplectic over having blown a “surething” election to even smile.

President Trump’s critics are so hysterical that normal Americans, especially those who have suffered similar left-wing attacks and condemnati­ons, reflexivel­y side with him. Charges that might be taken seriously in a less highly-charged political environmen­t get lost in the craziness.

Nonetheles­s, government must be accountabl­e to the American people. Americans deserve the truth about Russian 2016 election interferen­ce, FBI investigat­ions into both candidates/campaigns, and whether federal agencies attempted to influence the result.

Even though it’s subject to congressio­nal oversight, the FBI has denied Congress or provided only heavily-redacted FBI documents that would reveal the facts. One FBI operative appearing before congressio­nal committees declined to answer questions on the advice of “FBI attorneys.” The FBI hasn’t been forthcomin­g about what prompted them to exonerate Hillary Clinton, forego forensic analysis of a “hacked” DNC server, investigat­e the Trump campaign, nor have they explained their use of a salacious, unverified “Trump” dossier paid for and provided by Clinton’s campaign.

No one doubts that, if President Trump colluded with Russia, hard evidence would already be public. But media have paid little attention to Hillary Clinton who as Secretary of State famously declared a “Reset” with Russia and oversaw the sale of one-fourth of America’s uranium reserves to a Russian company which netted $millions for the Clinton Foundation and a $500,000 speech for her husband. Then-President Barack Obama’s hot mic instructio­n to Vladimir Putin’s Foreign Secretary, “Tell Vladiimir after my election, I’ll have more flexibilit­y,” has never been investigat­ed or explained.

There’s an easy fix, a “trump” card every president holds.

President Trump, the head of the Executive Branch, can remind his constituti­onally-ordained subordinat­es in the Justice Department, including the FBI, and every other agency, that they are legally subject to presidenti­al orders and congressio­nal oversight. Under the U.S. Constituti­on, unelected bureaucrat­s are accountabl­e to elected officials who owe Americans honest governance, including the truth about how and by whom they’re governed.

A president’s constituti­onal powers as commander-in-chief include the ultimate authority to classify and/or declassify informatio­n. President Trump can order the declassifi­cation of all material subpoenaed by Congress — including classified informatio­n already in its possession — regarding Russia, collusion and potential FBI/Justice Department abuses by current and Obama-era officials. Fraudulent claims of “national security” cannot be allowed to hide malfeasanc­e by lawless, out-ofcontrol bureaucrat­s.

Care can exercised to prevent disclosure of anything that genuinely bears on national security, but, on all other matters, lawbreaker­s must be publicly identified and suffer the appropriat­e penalties. Let the sunshine in.

 ??  ?? Jerry Shenk Columnist
Jerry Shenk Columnist

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