The Capital

McConnell balks at virus proposal

Senate leader hints compromise plan lacks GOP support

- By AndrewTayl­or and Lisa Mascaro

WASHINGTON — Senate Majority Leader MitchMcCon­nell is hitting the brakes on an emerging COVID-19 aid package from a bipartisan group of lawmakers, saying Republican senators won’t support $160billion in stateandlo­cal funds as part of a potential trade-offin the deal.

McConnell’s staff conveyed to top negotiator­s that the GOP leader sees no path to an agreement on a key aspect of the lawmakers’ existing proposal — a slimmed- down version of the liability shield for companies and organizati­ons facing potential COVID-19 lawsuits — in exchange for $160 billion in state and local funds that Democratsw­ant.

A senior Democrat confirmed that McConnell’ s position was conveyed to negotiator­s and was granted anonymity to discuss the private talks. McConnell’s office did not immediatel­y respond for a request for comment.

The hardened stance fromMcConn­ell, who does not appear to have the votes from Republican­s for a far-reaching compromise, creates a new stalemate over the $900-billion-plus package, despite days of toiling by a bipartisan group of lawmakers toward a deal.

It comes as President DonaldTrum­p’s top negotiator on COVID-19 financial aid took the opposite view.

Treasury Secretary Steven M nu chin reported head way Thursday on the package from the bipartisan senators’ group.

“I think we’ re making a lot of progress,” Mnuchin said.

Deadlines, real and perceived, haven’t been sufficient to drive Washington’s factions to an agreement, despite the U.S. breaking a record- high 3,000 daily COVID fatalities, and hospitals straining at capacity fromsoarin­g caseloads nationwide.

A one-week stopgap measure to prevent a federal shutdown appears to have sapped some urgency from

the talks.

The short-term government­wide funding bill, approved Wednesday by the House, needs to clear the Senate before Friday at midnight to avert a partial closure.

The next deadline would be Dec. 18, but both House and Senate leaders say they won’t adjourn without passing an aid measure.

But many Republican­s have long viewed the state andlocal aid as abailout they wouldhave trouble supporting, despite the pleas for funds coming from governors and mayors nationwide.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D- Calif., who is sending lawmakers home while talks continue, said Congress would keep working up to or even after Christmas to get an agreement. The new Congress is being sworn in Jan. 3.

“Now if we need more time then we take more time, but we have to have a bill andwe cannot go home without it,” Pelosi said. She also gave an upbeat assessment on the talks.

McConnell has proposed a five-year liability shield from virus lawsuits, retroactiv­e to December 2019, but the bipartisan group

was looking at a scaledback shield of six months to a year. Labor and civil rights groups oppose any shield, which they say strips essential workers of potential legal recourse as they take risks during the pandemic.

Republican­s say the right people to handle final negotiatio­ns are the four leaders of Congress and the Trump administra­tion, with the focus on a proposal by McConnell, R-Ky., to eliminate a Democratic demand for$160billion or so in assistance for state and local government­s.

The Trump administra­tion is back in the middle of the negotiatio­ns with a $916 billion plan. Itwould send a $600 direct payment to most Americans but eliminate a $300-per-week employment benefit favored by the bipartisan group of Senate negotiator­s.

Theofferha­s the endorsemen­t of the top House Republican and apparent backing from McConnell, whohad previously favored a $519 billionGOP­plan that has already failed twice. But Democrats blasted the plan over the administra­tion’s refusal to back the partial restoratio­n, to $300 per week, of bonus pandemic jobless benefits that lapsed inAugust.

President- elect Joe Biden is pressing for as much pandemic relief as possible, though he’s not directly involvedin­the talks. McConnell, like Pelosi, says Congress will not adjourn without providing COVID19 relief. The pressure to deliver is intense; all sides say failure isn’t an option.

The bipartisan negotiatin­g group — led by Democratic Sen. JoeManchin of West Virginia and GOP Sens. Susan Collins ofMaine and LisaMurkow­ski of Alaska, amongother­s— is seeking to rally lawmakers behind the $908billion framework that includes the$300-per-week pandemic jobless benefit and $160 billion for states and local government­s.

It also includes a fourmonth extension of jobless benefits set to expire at the end of the month, $300 billion for“pay check protection” subsidies for struggling businesses, funding for vaccines and testing, and a host of smaller items such as aid to transit systems, the U.S. Postal Service and health care providers.

 ?? ANNAMONEYM­AKER/THENEWYORK­TIMES ?? HouseMinor­ity LeaderKevi­nMcCarthy leads fellowRepu­blicans at a news conference Thursday on the need to extend the PaycheckPr­otection Programto help small businesses.
ANNAMONEYM­AKER/THENEWYORK­TIMES HouseMinor­ity LeaderKevi­nMcCarthy leads fellowRepu­blicans at a news conference Thursday on the need to extend the PaycheckPr­otection Programto help small businesses.

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