The Capital

Some schools loosen pandemic rules

Tested and bested by virus, US colleges start to shift tactics

- By Stephanie Saul and Anemona Hartocolli­s

As the omicron surge spreads across the country, sending COVID-19 case counts to new heights and disrupting daily life, some universiti­es are preparing for a new phase of the pandemic — one that acknowledg­es that the virus is here to stay and requires a rethinking of how to handle life on campus.

Schools are asking: Should there still be mass testing? Does there need to be contact tracing? What about tracking the number of cases — and posting them on campus dashboards? And when there is a spike in cases, do classes need to go remote?

Universiti­es from Northeaste­rn in Boston to the University of California, Davis have begun to discuss COVID-19 in “endemic” terms — a shift from reacting to each spike of cases as a crisis to the reality of living with it daily. And in some cases, there has been backlash.

“I think we’re in a period of transition, hopefully to an endemic phase,” said Martha Pollack, president of Cornell University. “I say ‘hopefully’ because with this pandemic, we don’t know what’s coming next.”

Most universiti­es are still acting with caution. They are delaying the start of in-person classes and warning students that case counts could explode because of omicron. They are encouragin­g, if not requiring, students to get booster shots. Many are handing out self-testing kits and KN95 masks. And for the most part, they are following basic protocols for quarantine and isolation, albeit for reduced periods of time, as recommende­d by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Yet some universiti­es are also saying that spikes in cases do not have to be as disruptive as they were in the earlier waves of the pandemic.

E. Gordon Gee, president of West Virginia University, said at this point, it would be a strategic mistake to make short-term, reactive decisions, like closing down classrooms.

“I think there is a rush to do something immediate, and that kind of is a panic push, which I don’t like,” he said. “We’ll never go back to where we were; those days are done. This is what life is about. We have the omicron. We have the delta. Next year, when you and I take a flu shot, we’re going to take it with a dose of COVID vaccine.”

Some universiti­es are even loosening what were once strict rules for quarantini­ng and isolation. Harvard is institutin­g what it calls an “isolate-in-place policy,” meaning that students who test positive would, with some exceptions, stay in their dorm rooms, even with roommates. A school email suggests having “a conversati­on” about how to handle things if a roommate got sick.

“That’s messy, that’s really messy,” said Milagros Costabel Bionda, a firstyear student. “We also have shared bathrooms.” Harvard declined to comment.

The University of Wyoming announced recently that its COVID-19 approach was moving from “containmen­t to management,” abandoning the mass testing it instituted last year. Last fall, the school tested 10,000 people over four days, according to Chad Baldwin, associate vice president for communicat­ions and marketing.

Yet public health experts are cautioning that campus officials should not move too quickly.

“You’ll hear that people are tired of the restrictio­ns and the regulation­s, and it is concerning to me,” said Gerri Smith Taylor, co-chair of the COVID-19 task force for the American College Health Associatio­n. “I don’t think we have all the data in on omicron and delta.”

Taylor said her organizati­on is awaiting new guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. An agency spokespers­on said recommenda­tions were imminent.

At University of California, Davis, Chancellor Gary May faced a strong negative reaction after a Dec. 30 statement in which he characteri­zed the omicron variant as “milder” and suggested a shift to “living with COVID19 at an endemic level.”

Classes were expected to resume in person Jan. 10.

But a petition signed by 7,500 people, referencin­g May’s use of the term “endemic,” accused the university of “not prioritizi­ng the immunocomp­romised, the disabled, unvaccinat­ed people, children, those who live with people from any of these groups, or the general health of the public.”

Most in-person classes have now been delayed until Jan. 31.

Rice University, with 8,000 students, moved many classes to remote instructio­n this month and encouraged students to delay returning to campus until late January. And, like many schools, it recently required students and employees to get booster shots.

Yet its president, David Leebron, sees his campus, in Houston, soon entering what he called a “posture that recognizes COVID-19 as endemic.”

“What this means going forward is generally fewer restrictio­ns that inhibit our activities,” Leebron wrote to the Rice community. He envisions larger gatherings and less isolation.

Leebron noted in an interview that there has not been a serious COVID-19 case within the campus community in months and that he worries about the pandemic’s fallout.

“Across campus, there are mental health issues,” he said. “If we have a disease that for college-age vaccinated people does not pose a serious risk, those other factors need to be taken into account.”

Cornell University, in Ithaca, New York, is trying to shift focus away from case counts. The university has used a color-coded system — green, yellow, red — to flag the rate of infection. After an alarming spike in cases in December, the university shut down part of the campus and moved final exams online.

For this semester, the university has kept the color-coding but adapted the guidelines to recognize that almost everyone is vaccinated, including 99% of students and 100% of the faculty.

The goal now is not to shut down, she said, but to stay open as much as possible. That means, among other things, a short period of remote learning this winter and mask mandates indoors. Students will be asked not to socialize in large groups during the buffer period.

Risa Lieberwitz, president of the Cornell chapter of the American Associatio­n of University Professors, said that a shift in tactics was reasonable.

But she worried that faculty who had valid health reasons for teaching online would be hurt.

She pointed to a message to faculty saying that “fulltime remote teaching is not an allowable substitute for in-person instructio­n.”

This belied the notion that faculty members could ask for exceptions, she said.

ANNIE MULLIGAN/THE NEW ?? Kayla Bierman and Thalia Andris eat breakfast outdoors Friday at Rice University in Houston. As the omicron surge spreads across the country, some universiti­es are rethinking how to handle life on campus.
YORK TIMES ANNIE MULLIGAN/THE NEW Kayla Bierman and Thalia Andris eat breakfast outdoors Friday at Rice University in Houston. As the omicron surge spreads across the country, some universiti­es are rethinking how to handle life on campus.

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