The Capital

It’s time to tell the truth about the Confederac­y

- — John W. Bodnar, Annapolis

The Civil War ended a century-and-ahalf ago. But the nation never fulfilled its post-Civil War goals of granting political and economic rights to all its citizens.

Many descendant­s of Confederat­e veterans misname the Civil War as the “War of Northern Aggression.” How could the North have been the “aggressor” when the South fired the first shot? The descendant­s who say “The South will rise again” believe they are patriots. True Americans will reply with “And the South will fall again.”

True American patriots should defeat domestic enemies who attacked our Capitol on Jan. 6 in an attempt to raise the Confederat­e flag over it, just as the Confederat­es attempted to raise their flag over Fort Sumter.

It is a heinous desecratio­n of the American flag to kill brave patriots carrying our flag as Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson, both Union deserters, ordered their men to do during the Civil War.

Advocates of Critical Confederac­y Theory should cease teaching this false doctrine, believing themselves to be heroes.

It is long overdue to change the conversati­on from:

Confederat­e heroes to Confederat­e traitors.

Ku Klux Klan members as libertaria­ns to Ku Klux Klan members as anarchists.

Proud Boys as patriots to Proud Boys as domestic terrorists.

God-given right to own people to equal justice under the Constituti­on.

Women as second-class citizens to equal justice under the Constituti­on.

White men rule to equal opportunit­y under the Constituti­on.

It’s time to reinstitut­e Navy-Marine Corps core values that began two centuries ago when sailors landed Marines proudly carrying our American flag on the shores of Tripoli to support and defend the Constituti­on.

It’s time to stop teaching our children that the United States is still divided but rather that under the Constituti­on the United States is “one nation, under God, indivisibl­e, with liberty and justice for ALL.”

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