The Capital

Birds help brighten drab days of winter

- Gerald Winegrad Gerald Winegrad represente­d the greater Annapolis area as a Democrat in the Maryland House of Delegates and Senate for 16 years. Contact him at

The long winter with its drab days of sun deprivatio­n usually can be tolerated by the appearance of birds at our feeders (front yard) and by a diversity of waterfowl species on Oyster Creek (back yard). The surroundin­g areas on the Annapolis Neck Peninsula offer enticing sightings of majestic tundra swans that, along with many species of waterfowl, aways brighten our wintry days.

But this winter has been different with very few birds at our feeders. And other than a few bufflehead­s, our creek has been devoid of waterfowl making it the worst winter for birds since we moved here in the winter of 1997-1998.

I do not count the nuisance resident Canada geese and mallards that foul our back yard and pier with their droppings. So where are the birds? Could it be the loss of remaining wooded splotches disappeari­ng in Oyster Harbor for houses?

We are always looking and alerting one another to sightings. The February cold snap brought a few scaups and hooded mergansers (my favorite waterfowl), joining the bufflehead­s on our creek. A bald eagle perches periodical­ly on an osprey nest, but without its usual mate. We have seen them together during their nuptials.

After the 16-degree freeze, our feeders were suddenly filled with feasting feathered flyers and the most striking were gorgeous male Eastern bluebirds. Bluebirds are a favored species to witness, especially the male with his brilliant, vivid royal blue on the back and head, and rusty red-brown on the breast. The female, as is often the case in birds, is not as striking. Sunlight brings out their colors as the birds, particular­ly in winter, can look rather plain, especially from a distance.

Bluebirds almost always are seen in groups, but it was rare to see them around our feeders as they are mostly insectivor­ous, eating a wide range of bugs. As insects become scarce in winter, they add fruit and berries to their diet. The bluebirds I observed were on our suet feeder, on the ground and drinking from our thawing bird bath. The best way to attract them is to use live mealworms which we have not pursued. Bitter cold winter days are particular­ly hard on bluebirds and can cause high mortality, so providing food and water are helpful.

To attract more species, we have three feeders — one with traditiona­l bird seed augmented by heavy doses of oil sunflower seeds; a Nyjer (thistle) feeder craved by American goldfinch and other finches; and the third, a suet feeder, frequented by woodpecker­s, wrens and nuthatches. Birds need water to drink and to cleanse themselves of dust, mites and other insects so our bird bath serves as an attractant, too.

Bluebirds typically perch on fences, tree branches and telephone wires scanning the ground for prey. They can spot moths and caterpilla­rs in tall grass 50 yards away. They quickly drop to the ground, grabbing insects with their beaks. The bluebird is a small thrush and joins robins and wood thrushes in this family. Eastern bluebirds occur across North America east of the Rockies and south as far as Nicaragua. Some migrate to Canada for breeding. They can be seen here year round and are special eye-candy treats in winter. They live 6-10 years and have a wingspan of 8-9 inches.

They typically use tree cavities and old woodpecker holes for nesting. The bluebird population plunged in the early 20th century when non-native house sparrows and European starlings were introduced. These invasives quickly took over bluebird nest sites and outcompete­d them using the same habitats. Fortunatel­y, concerned citizens stepped in to halt bluebird declines by providing nest boxes. The Anne Arundel Bird Club has placed and maintains such nesting boxes in Quiet Waters Park.

American goldfinche­s joined the feeder feeding frenzy voraciousl­y eating Nyger seeds as they are rich in oil and fat. While not yet fully in their striking mating suits of gold and black, they were quite a sight, even chasing hungry house finches away.

Joining in this birdy scene were downy and hairy woodpecker­s, white-breasted nuthatches, a Carolina wren on the suet, white-throated and house sparrows, and mourning doves and dark-eyed juncos feeding on spilt seed on the ground. Tufted titmice also made an appearance eating from the mixed seed feeder. A solitary robin was hopping around looking for a tasty worm. Robins love to use the bird bath but ice covered all but the fringes.

With binoculars on each floor to ensure quick access, I enjoy watching these winged wonders at both levels. Carol’s cameras are always at the ready to capture that special sighting. All that is needed to attract these feathered marvels are bird feeders, bird food and ideally a bird bath. Binoculars and a bird ID book will augment your enjoyment of these critters as they dine on your offerings. Different feeders will attract different species and you will have to learn the tricks of keeping squirrels and deer from stealing bird food.

We have conquered the squirrels and they are now content to eat the seed spilled on the ground by feeding birds. But deer are a real problem. A big buck has been knocking out all of the seed in our main feeder until I learned to place a small mesh bag of duck blood nitrogen fertilizer above the feeder. But deer have been devouring Carol’s flowers in her garden in warmer months.

All too many people caught up in the daily demands of busy lives miss the self-enrichment from wild birds around them. Hippocrate­s, the ancient Greek known as the father of medicine, said that “Nature itself is the best physician.” Increasing studies document the great healing power of the natural world. Intellectu­al curiosity coupled with binoculars can open a whole new world for folks and it is not just through birds. There are so many other natural wonders to see — if you look.

Besides overabunda­nt deer running around our yard all times of day, we regularly see red fox. I devoted a column to these wily, resilient animals that control rats and mice. Sadly, one of the foxes we regularly see prowling for prey has lost the lower part of his left rear leg. I believe he is a victim of someone’s steel leghold trap. inhibiting his survival as he hops on three legs. How cruel.

I highly recommend joining the Anne Arundel Bird Club. Go to: http://www. There are regular guided field trips and interestin­g monthly speakers. On April 19, I will be presenting a show on our 24-day expedition to Antarctica, South Georgia and the Falkland Islands. It will feature Carol’s photos — yes, plenty of penguins. Quiet Waters Park Blue Heron room is the venue and note — 180 avian species have been seen in the park.

Remember, the more you look, the more you see. Don’t miss The Greatest Show on Earth.

 ?? CAROL SWAN/FOR CAPITAL GAZETTE ?? A male Eastern bluebird enjoys the Winegrads’ bird bath on Tuesday.
CAROL SWAN/FOR CAPITAL GAZETTE A male Eastern bluebird enjoys the Winegrads’ bird bath on Tuesday.
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