The Capital

Arguing the case for, against rule of doffing hats indoors

- Judith Martin Miss Manners To send a question to the Miss Manners team of Judith Martin, Nicholas Ivor Martin and Jacobina Martin, go to missmanner­s. com or write them c/o Universal Uclick, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.

Dear Miss Manners: The custom of taking hats off indoors seems to be disappeari­ng. Even in church and classrooms, I am increasing­ly seeing hats (baseball caps, especially).

It would be rude for me to tell all these people to remove their hats, but as a parent, I can enforce this etiquette rule with my own children. And as a teacher, I can enforce it in my own classroom.

My problem is when I am asked, “Why? No one else asks me to take my hat off. Why is it important?” These young minds are not satisfied with the answer of “because it is the proper thing to do.”

I’ve been telling them that when you wear your hat inside, it gives the impression that you are in a hurry to leave. That makes your host (or teacher) think you don’t want to be in their company, and that would be rude.

Can you help me with an improved or more complete response? Or is it really not important after all, and I should just let these young people blend in with the hatted crowd?

Gentle reader: While appreciati­ng your efforts to teach courtesy to your pupils and your children, Miss Manners is grateful to have the opportunit­y to help you do so on a deeper level. Otherwise, you may get some difficult questions.

What if a Jewish student says that he (but not his sister) has to cover his head in his synagogue as a sign of respect? What if a Catholic student says her grandmothe­r remembers when she (but not Grandpa) had to cover her head in church? What if students report examples where it would be improper, whether for cultural or religious reasons, not to wear turbans or scarves?

“Aha!” the brighter pupils will declare: “This shows that all these rules are arbitrary.” And they would be right.

But — here comes the deeper lesson — that does not mean that a given society’s customs may be ignored with impunity. Symbols are always arbitrary, but can neverthele­ss carry great emotional weight. A hat on — or off — could be extremely offensive, given the setting and circumstan­ces.

Now we complicate things even more by introducin­g a time and gender element. The traditiona­l American rule was that gentlemen must remove their hats indoors. But for ladies, wearing a hat indoors was proper. (Girls may try to use this to claim they can wear their baseball caps in class, but no, this does not apply to unisex or athletic gear.)

Are any of these rules still in effect? Moralityba­sed rules remain valid no matter how many people disobey them, just as the prevalence of crime does not make it legal. But symbolism only works when the meaning is generally recognized.

Miss Manners hears from gentle readers who object to violations of those hat rules, so she believes the code is still being read. But it would be an interestin­g research project for your students to find out.

You will have to teach them that the question is not whether people approve of these rules, but whether they are even aware of them; that they should ask the question in a nonprejudi­cial way; and that they should ask people of different ages.

Miss Manners apologizes for making more homework for you.

Dear Miss Manners:

During my home renovation, at one point I put my contractor on speakerpho­ne with a vendor so they could discuss a certain product’s technical specs. My contractor interrupte­d and was gruff with the vendor, whom I found to be courteous and helpful.

I didn’t feel right “scolding” my contractor — who was always polite to me — but I also didn’t feel good about how he spoke to the vendor. Is there anything I could have or should have done, either in the moment or afterwards?

As the employer, it is your good name on the line, so Miss Manners agrees that you have a duty to intervene when things go wrong. She also realizes that there may be relevant prior history of which the contractor is aware but you are not. She therefore advises starting with a question: “Is there a problem with this vendor? Is it something that you need my assistance on?”

Making a contractor aware that you are paying attention is often enough to save you the unpleasant necessity of explaining that you expect him and his employees to treat other workers with the same courtesy he has shown you.

Gentle reader:

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