The Catoosa County News


Catoosa, Walker, Whitfield churches cross denominati­onal lines to pray together

- By Tamara Wolk

At a time when the country is struggling with deep divisions among its people, seven churches in Catoosa, Walker and Whitfield counties are bucking the trend.

On a rainy January evening, members of all seven congregati­ons gathered at The Orchard Church, located in the Office Depot mall in Fort Oglethorpe, to pray together. Presbyteri­ans, Baptists and independen­ts prayed as one for unity among Christians, for the courage to reach out to others, and for the commitment to walk by one another’s sides as mentors.

It was the second time the churches had gathered, something they plan to do several times a year, but their pastors have been meeting with each other every Thursday morning since September 2015. The weekly prayer meetings started with Pastor Doyle Allen of First Presbyteri­an Church of Fort Oglethorpe, Pastor Zach de Vaux of The Orchard, and Adam Whitescarv­er, executive director of the Chattanoog­a House of Prayer (ChattHOP), and quickly grew to include other pastors.

“The weekly meetings are helpful to all the pastors,” says de Vaux. “We get to share our common vision and goals, and you know someone is in your corner. The church gatherings give members a chance to meet other Christians who worship right down the road.”

“We wanted our congregati­ons to experience the sweetness of fellowship that we experience at our weekly meetings,” says Allen.

The congregati­ons started their January gathering by singing together, accompanie­d by a praise band, then they split into groups of four or five throughout the dimly lit sanctuary, mixing with members of other churches and denominati­ons. The murmur of combined voices imploring God’s guidance and blessing was punctuated from time to time by one of the pastors reading a scripture passage and making suggestion­s for further prayer. “Helping pastors and churches connect with one another and develop deeper relationsh­ips and

INSIDE: Doyle Allen: becoming a Navy Chaplain. Page A5.

unity in order to bring about change in their communitie­s is a major focus of ChattHOP,” says Whitescarv­er, who helps coordinate the church gatherings and attends most of the pastors’ weekly meetings. “Many pastors are very busy with their congregati­ons and often work other jobs, too.”

Whitescarv­er says the guiding principal of ChattHOP, which has helped launch prayer groups throughout the metro Chattanoog­a area, can be found in the scripture verse, Jeremiah 29:7: “But seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you… Pray to the Lord for it, because if the city prospers, you too will prosper.”

Along with Doyle Allen and Zach de Vaux, the pastors and churches that gather locally include Frank Kelley with Oakwood Baptist of Chickamaug­a, Neal Brown with Heritage Pointe Baptist of Fort Oglethorpe, Randy Jackson with Grace Presbyteri­an of Dalton, Mark Gregory with Hope Fellowship Presbyteri­an of Chickamaug­a, and Michael Savadge with First Baptist of Chickamaug­a.

“Every revival of the Church throughout history,” says Allen, “has been preceded by groups of Christians asking God to reawaken his people. Coming together to pursue Christ leads to unificatio­n in and among congregati­ons

and teaches us to model the fruit of revival we hope to see in the greater community.”

Pastors interested in becoming part of a prayer group can contact ChattHOP at or visit their web site at

 ??  ?? The members of seven Catoosa, Walker and Whitfield County churches gather several times a year to pray and worship together. (Catoosa News photo/ Tamara Wolk)
The members of seven Catoosa, Walker and Whitfield County churches gather several times a year to pray and worship together. (Catoosa News photo/ Tamara Wolk)
 ??  ?? ChurchesPa­stor Randolph “Randy” Jackson of Grace Presbyteri­an Church of Dalton was one of seven pastors who spoke to the congregati­ons gathered to pray in January. (Catoosa News photo/ Tamara Wolk)
ChurchesPa­stor Randolph “Randy” Jackson of Grace Presbyteri­an Church of Dalton was one of seven pastors who spoke to the congregati­ons gathered to pray in January. (Catoosa News photo/ Tamara Wolk)
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