The Catoosa County News

Clever ways to give cash gifts


Whether it’s for a couple on their wedding day, a youngster just graduating high school or as a birthday gift to a beloved family member, cash has become an increasing­ly popular gift in recent years. Once considered impersonal, cash is now a go-to gift for shoppers whose foremost concerns are putting smiles on their loved ones’ faces.

Those who still hesitate at the thought of giving an envelope full of cash, take note: There are many clever ways to give green that make cash gifts just as enjoyable to give as to receive.

* Steer clear of cold cash. Regardless of how thoughtful it may be, a greeting card with cash inside does not exactly elicit the warm sentiments synonymous with special occasions like weddings, graduation­s or the holiday season. When giving monetary gifts, gifters might want to get a little more creative. At Plumfund. com, thoughtful gift givers can set up a cash fund for their loved ones free of charge. Contributo­rs to this account can pledge money in the form of cash or a personal check at no cost, or make direct online payments into the account for a minimal processing fee. Once the big day arrives, recipients will receive their gifts and no doubt appreciate the less convention­al but far

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