The Catoosa County News

Brush up understand­ing of legal processes


If there’s one thing Americans understand, it’s TV cop shows. So here’s the deal: Donald J. Trump isn’t on trial, he’s under investigat­ion. And the first thing that happens during any serious probe is that detectives question witnesses separately so they can’t cook their testimony.

If Witness A can’t be sure exactly Witness B is saying, there’s a better chance of getting a straight story.

Just about everybody with a TV set understand­s these things.

So it’s hard to imagine who that flash-mob of Republican congressme­n thought they were kidding by storming the U.S. Capitol secure room where witnesses are being questioned in the House impeachmen­t inquiry. According to them, confidenti­al congressio­nal hearings constitute an unpreceden­ted Star Chamber proceeding. Supposedly, only Democrats were allowed to participat­e; Trump was being denied his constituti­onal right to an attorney, to crossexami­ne witnesses or examine the evidence against him.

In a word, Trump was being railroaded.

In reality, none of that is true. Indeed, about half the indignant GOP congressme­n were playing hooky from their duties as members of the very committees conducting the inquiry. They could have been in the hearing room questionin­g witnesses, if they had any questions to ask. Instead, they staged a publicity stunt for TV cameras.

Do they take their constituen­ts for fools? Apparently so. Meanwhile, on Fox News, Sean Hannity promised to expose “something corrupt and dangerous to this democratic republic that we love. We will expose on this program the

Democrats’ top-secret, their Soviet-style impeachmen­t coup attempt ... an unpreceden­ted unconstitu­tional attempt to nullify the will of the American people.”

This is all but delusional. The U.S. Constituti­on gives the House of Representa­tives sole authority over impeaching the president, and says very little about exactly how. Hannity never did say what was unconstitu­tional about it, except as the word means “something I really, really don’t like.”

House Republican­s, of course, held hundreds of hours of confidenti­al Benghazi hearings during the Obama administra­tion, without finding much to illuminate the tragedy beyond what was already known.

On “Meet the Press” back in 2015, GOP Rep. Trey Gowdy explained the advantage of closed-door hearings. Largely because there’s less grandstand­ing, he said, “the private ones always produce better results.”

Democrats thought Republican­s were mainly blowing smoke, but never challenged their authority to do so.

Remember when Hillary Clinton appeared under oath before Gowdy’s committee for 11 straight hours all by her lonesome? Assuming that the House votes to impeach Trump, he’ll have the benefit of his full constituti­onal rights — an opportunit­y to contest all the evidence against him.

Just like any defendant on “Law and Order.”

For that matter, remember when Bill Clinton testified before Kenneth Starr’s grand jury regarding his naughty activities with Monica Lewinsky? They broadcast the thing on national TV, inadverten­tly increasing sympathy for the big dope and pretty much dooming their chances to remove him. Not that it was Clinton’s finest moment.

But that won’t be an issue for President Trump, who — you read it here first — will never testify under oath, come hell or high water. He has the constituti­onal right to take the Fifth Amendment, and surely he will.

What, then, will Trump’s defense consist of?

So far, of maligning the honor and patriotism of witnesses, career public servants and combat veterans alike, who have blown the whistle on his Ukraine extortion plot. That’s essentiall­y all he’s got.

Over the weekend, Trump explained why he notified his great friend Russian dictator Vladimir Putin about the impending raid against ISIS mass-murderer Abu Bakr al-baghdadi while keeping Nancy Pelosi in the dark.

The speaker of the House, who has participat­ed in more top-secret hearings than almost any living American, was deemed untrustwor­thy by this blowhard, who — were he not president — could no more earn a security clearance than he could dunk a basketball.

Americans have grown so accustomed to Trump’s contumelio­us behavior that this isn’t even surprising. He’s essentiall­y a WWE profession­al wrestling shill in a baggy blue suit. Clue: Any Trump statement that begins with “people are saying” or that relates someone calling him “sir” will be sheer, malicious fiction. He’s got a substantia­l proportion of Americans at one another’s throats.

Jonathan Rauch puts it this way in National Affairs: “Trump’s appeals to ethnic and racial resentment, his portrayals of a country and culture under siege, and his populist demonizati­on of multiple enemies offered Republican­s something more appealing than any particular list of policies: They offered solidarity against a threat.”

It was left to a Washington, D.C., World Series crowd to respond in kind: “Lock him up!” they chanted.

You see, the feeling’s mutual.

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Gene Lyons

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