The Catoosa County News



in hope. In that way, you are the co-creator of your crops and your flocks. It makes you appreciate the goodness of the earth and the bounty of her fields. When bad years come, and they inevitably will, you regroup and look with hope to next year’s harvest. You learn not to give up, but to trust and to keep trying. You help out your neighbor when he needs it and you count on him to help you out when times are rough.

I think back often on those years on our farm. The older I get, the more I value the lessons of living life close to the earth. We were poor, but we never lacked anything important. I witnessed the value of hard work and the rewards that come from it: a fresh tomato, a squirming pink piglet, the smell of fresh hay in the field and the long, slow evening spent reliving the day’s events. The rhythm of the farm is a lot like the rhythm of our spiritual walk. Times of harvest, followed by times of drought; planting seeds in the hope of bounty and quiet times of reflection and rest. It’s no wonder to me that the image of a perfect relationsh­ip with God is revealed to us as a beautiful Garden.

“My farm is not where I must soil My hands in endless, dreary toil. But where, through seed and swelling pod

I’ve learned to walk and talk with God.”

— From a Novena to St. Isidore, the patron Saint of farmers

Glenda Smiley, Pleasant Valley Baptist Church

God blessed revival meetings last week with Brother Dean Mcneese. Brother Mcneese brought messages from God concerning the ending of the church age and the rapture of the true church. Be sure to watch all of the messages, if you did not attend.

Pastor Flood brought wonderful morning message from Matthew 24 and 17. These days, in which we find RXUVHOYHV ɘ DUH VLJQV RI WKH UHWXUQ of Christ in the clouds to rapture, snatch away, all believers who have trusted Him by confessing sin, accepting His substituti­onary death on the cross for your sin, and His bodily resurrecti­on from the grave. The time is now, are you ready for the imminent return of Christ. “In a moment, a twinkle of the eye.” No time to waste, it will be too late when the trumpet sounds and he steps through the clouds to gather the redeemed. TODAY, today is the day of your salvation. Call on Him today before it is eternally too late. Pastor messages from today are on Facebook and Youtube

Pleasant Valley Baptist invites you to in-person Sunday morning and evening worship services. Please join us worshippin­g the Lord. Wednesday in-person services continue to be temporaril­y suspended.

Much to pray about. Remember our country with pandemic, economy, and social upheaval, our leaders, our citizens. Special request are family of Mike Cross, family of Jeep Mitchell, Richard Comer (missionary), Dianne Hullender , Debbie and Brian O’neill, Betty Pitts, Denise Pitts, Larry Armstrong and his family , John Bryson and his family, Dot Mcallister, Brian White, and for our pastor and his family. Pray for our shut-ins Carolyn Denton and Lula Petty and others with high risk situations shut-in. Pray for our churches, missionari­es, and evangelist­s.

Pleasant Valley Baptist continues to livestream Facebook and Youtube Sunday morning/evening services 11 AM , evening 6 PM, and streaming mid-week Bible study. Visit or view our services for encouragem­ent from God’s Word.

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Glenda Smiley

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