The Catoosa County News

Do I need to record passwords if stored in the browser?

- Dwight Watt does computer work for businesses, individual­s and organizati­ons and teaches about computers at a college in Northwest Georgia. His website is His email address is

Alot of people have taken advantage of the ability of web browsers (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, etc.) to store their passwords for various websites. This can be an advantage and a disadvanta­ge.

The advantages of using this feature is that you do not need to type your password in every time you access the site and that you do not need to remember your password. The disadvanta­ges are several.

The first disadvanta­ge is that if anyone else manages to log into your computer as you, they can access your pages. Also, if they get access to your computer, but even if not logged in as you, they may be able to find enough informatio­n in the cache and password file to determine the password and log in as you. These both could be a major problem if your bank account password for instance was kept this way, as they could clean your accounts (and not doing dusting, that may be all they leave is dust).

The second disadvanta­ge is that when, and if, you get a new computer, phone, etc., when you move your stuff to the new one that informatio­n does not get moved and you have to contact every site for a lost password.

Third is that the file those passwords could be cleared from your machine for several reasons and you are in same position as in previous — you must get the passwords all reset and given to you

The solution is to also keep your passwords written down somewhere. I did not say anywhere. For awhile security people told you to never write down passwords. That is not the case now with the number of passwords most people keep. You do need to keep them somewhere else than with the computer. So do not store them under the keyboard or in a drawer of the desk where it is clear. That is first place some one with physical access will look. Do not keep them in your wallet with your debit card either.

You can record them, and those used at office keep somewhere at home and vice versa. Do not label them as passwords. You might keep them in your dresser or car but without the usernames. Then if someone finds or gets them, they will not be able to use the passwords.

The other thing to do is build a system of making passwords so something about the password is a clue to you by what site it is. Often this is done safely in a passphrase.

 ??  ?? Watt

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