The Columbus Dispatch

Carbon tax is more palatable way to cut emissions

- FROMA HARROP Froma Harrop writes for Creators Syndicate.

Address climate change and send Americans a check at the same time. That’s the nut of an intriguing idea put together by a group of Republican elders. The plan would curb emission of greenhouse gases by taxing them at the refinery, at the mine or wherever they enter the economy. The proceeds would be sent to Americans in the form of dividends. A family of four could expect to receive about $2,000 in the first year.

Those leaning left also see beauty in a carbon tax, though some environmen­talists want the revenues to go toward developing renewable energy sources. I’d prefer that, too, but the prospect of dividends makes for a much easier sales pitch. And frankly, the private sector is doing a very good job of clean-energy innovation.

The plan would tax carbon dioxide emissions at $40 a ton, with the rate rising over time. There would be “border adjustment­s” to punish imports from countries lacking a comparable carbon pricing system. And former President Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan would be repealed. (Hold on; we’ll get back to that.)

The authors include former Secretarie­s of State James Baker and George P. Shultz, former Treasury head Henry Paulson and leading conservati­ve economists. Their group is called the Climate Leadership Council.

Whether this would fly in today’s Washington remains to be seen. A different kind of Republican currently occupies the White House and much of Congress. These politician­s hold that a) the planet isn’t warming, b) if it is warming, humans play little part in it and/or c) we’ll be gone by the time catastroph­e hits.

President Donald Trump has called climate change a Chinese hoax. He’s also claimed an “open mind” on the matter. You figure it out.

Obama pushed for a capand-trade system — not the same as a carbon tax but another market-based means for reducing emissions. Environmen­tally minded conservati­ves have endorsed cap and trade also, but the Republican House voted no. Whether it objected to cap and trade on policy grounds or because Obama wanted it, we cannot be sure.

And let the record show that Trump’s crowd doesn’t hold much love for establishm­ent Republican­s, either.

The Clean Power Plan called for reducing powerplant carbon emissions by 32 percent within 25 years (to 2005 levels). Setting such limits would have its virtues, especially at a time when congressio­nal leadership is limp. But it would also be a magnet for legal challenges.

A carbon tax would elegantly put strong financial incentives in place to discourage use of fuels that emit greenhouse gases. It also would provide a measure of predictabi­lity that companies need for making long-term capital investment­s — something government-set renewable energy targets don’t do well. Simply put, the targets are not bankable commitment­s against which green energy companies can get financing.

When companies have to pay for pollution, there’s less need for micromanag­ing laws requiring items such as smokestack scrubbers. In sum, until you get to zero emissions, you are paying.

Less government involvemen­t also means less politics. Recall how Republican­s flogged the Obama administra­tion over losses at Solyndra, a solar energy company that stimulus money helped finance.

Private capital knows that often only 1 in 10 investment­s pay off. Political demagogues don’t know or don’t care to know. The program used by Solyndra happened to have many successes, but who can name a single one?

Expectatio­ns that the current administra­tion will take up even a conservati­ve approach to global warming are dismally low. The single candle lighting the darkness is the new secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, who supported a carbon tax as chief executive officer of Exxon Mobil.

Trump has been king of surprises. Isn’t it time for a good one?

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