The Columbus Dispatch

Addicts, physicians need hopeful signs


I attended the opening luncheon for “2017 Global Brain Health and Performanc­e Summit” held at the downtown Hilton, presented by The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center Neurologic­al Institute. The luncheon hour focused on the opiate epidemic. The panel speakers consisted of three physicians, a police representa­tive and J.D. Vance, author of Hillbilly Elegy. All physicians spoke eloquently about our current opiate epidemic, and J.D. painted an authentic picture of the marriage between opiates and the disenfranc­hised Appalachia­n culture, but I left feeling disappoint­ed.

I’ve been around addiction my entire life, an upbringing steeped in my father’s alcoholism, and my journey has continued. I’ve lost several loved ones to the illness of addiction (yes opiates too) and eventually found my healing circles before becoming a master’s level profession­al in the field of addictions counseling.

What I find missing in symposiums, town hall meetings and summits are positive testimonie­s from addicts. The public needs stories of hope, not just statistics about overdose deaths. They need to hear from addicts doing the hard work of recovery. Many family members also find their way into healing. Let the ongoing discussion include them as well.

Top-tiered profession­als, particular­ly in the field of addictions counseling, are not the ones doing ground level work. What was also missing from the panel was representa­tion from the front-line staff at Talbot Hall, Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center’s Addiction Treatment Unit. Where were they?

Candace Hartzler Worthingto­n

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