The Columbus Dispatch

Pope: Guide needs updating on issue


VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis marked the 25th anniversar­y of a landmark compilatio­n of Catholic teaching by saying Wednesday it should be changed to address an issue close to his heart: the death penalty.

During an anniversar­y ceremony at the Vatican, Francis repeated his insistence that capital punishment is “inadmissib­le” under any circumstan­ce. He said the death penalty violates the Gospel and amounts to the voluntary killing of a human life, which “is always sacred in the eyes of the creator.”

The Catechism of the Catholic Church, issued a quarter century ago by St. John Paul II to give Catholics an easy, go-to guide for church teaching, doesn’t exclude recourse to the death penalty.

While saying its need is increasing­ly rare “if not practicall­y non-existent,” the Catechism says capital punishment is permissibl­e if it’s the only way to defend life against an “unjust aggressor.”

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