The Columbus Dispatch

Reform would restore community voices


I thank The Dispatch for calling for “real reform” in the local election process (“Voting-rights lawyers target city council”). The editorial explained something that has long struck me about local elections: Communitie­s should be able to pick their own representa­tives.

Given the size of Columbus, many communitie­s have been robbed of their voice, as their representa­tives of choice have no financial means to reach the citywide electorate. The financial means to support a citywide campaign has been available to those inside the political cliques.

Real reform with district elections would restore those community voices. I have little faith in the efficacy of the proposed Council of Area Commission­s. As a resident in a neighborho­od with a strong area commission, I have seen no evidence that it has been successful in advocating for the community’s concerns. What it has delivered is paternalis­tic, condescend­ing policy wonks from the city who regularly “explain” why the citizenry is “wrong.”

I also appreciate the succinct characteri­zation of the current system as a “scheme” with a “monopoly of entrenched Democrats.” Candidly, I had not expected an influentia­l, powerful publicatio­n to take a position that challenges the city council. I hope to see more of this in the future. Columbus

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