The Columbus Dispatch

Husband should keep mum about wife’s inability to sing

- JEANNE PHILLIPS Write to Dear Abby at Universal Press Syndicate, in care of The Columbus Dispatch, P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069; for a reply, enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Or visit

My wife, “Karen,” loves to sing karaoke along with many others, most of whom who are vocally challenged. Listening to some of them can be grueling when we go out.

Karen knows many of these “performers,” and when they finish, she goes and tells them what a great job they’ve done. When I asked her why she gives the false compliment­s, she said, “I don’t want to hurt their feelings.”

Well, the same goes for Karen. The other singers compliment her to the point that she now thinks she has a competitio­n-worthy voice. In reality, though her voice isn’t terrible, it’s nowhere near what she thinks it is.

My wife is the love of my life and the nicest person I’ve ever known. I’m concerned for the future should someone ever be honest with her.

Should I tell her the truth to save her from potential public embarrassm­ent, or should I keep my mouth shut?

Unless your wife decides to audition for “American Idol,” the chances of her being booed off stage are slim. You don’t have to sing her praises, but I see nothing positive to be gained by diminishin­g her pleasure in performing. The word from here is: Keep your lips zipped.

I have a wonderful, kind sister-in-law I’ll call “Margaret.” Our sons were born in the same year. She has chosen to keep her son home, while I am sending mine to day care. Both boys are toddlers now. The problem is, my son is socialized, while hers is not.

Margaret’s son is mean and unwilling to share or play with my child. He lacks empathy and seeks only adult attention. Because of his lack of socializat­ion and outright unsafe behavior, I don’t want my son around him. Am I wrong for not wanting him to be exposed to this behavior?

My husband says it’s good for our little one to learn how to deal with mean behavior because it will make him “tough.” However, I don’t feel it’s our child’s job to learn to be tough at such a young age.

Perhaps your son should see this cousin only when they will be closely supervised. Your child may learn to “toughen up” later, but at the age of 2 or 3, it’s a bit premature.

The child who may be in for trouble is his cousin, because learning concepts such as sharing and empathy enable children to successful­ly socialize with others throughout their lives.

— — Day-Care Accepting Mommy Dear Day-Care Mommy:

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