The Columbus Dispatch

Don’t trust plan by lawmakers


Does anyone believe that the Ohio Senate’s redistrict­ing proposal will be a legitimate attempt to end gerrymande­ring of Ohio’s congressio­nal districts? (“Congressio­nal redistrict­ing plan may come soon,” Dispatch article, Thursday.)

If anyone honestly believes that, I would like to hear from him or her. I would ask the following questions:

Do you know how the current redistrict­ing plan came to be? It may come as a surprise that Ohio’s congressio­nal districts have not always been gerrymande­red. Knowing the origins of the current district plan is critical to determinin­g whether to trust the folks working out the new scheme.

Second, do you honestly believe that any politician would agree to a plan that hurts his or her party’s electoral chances? If the answer to this question is yes, then the conversati­on need not continue. Such naiveté is not acceptable in a voting-age adult. Senate President Larry Obhof was recently quoted as saying, “I think it’s important to have bipartisan buy-in” of the asyet-unreleased redistrict­ing plan. If you think about this statement for a moment, it is revealing. It is axiomatic that congressio­nal districts should be fairly drawn. No “buy-in” should be required, and a statement to this effect — as if it were subject to debate — reveals an egregious misunderst­anding of that axiom.

The last question: Is it simply coincidenc­e that this legislatio­n is being considered now, when a redistrict­ing ballot issue prepared by the Fair Districts = Fair Elections coalition is likely to appear on the November ballot? When it gets on the November ballot, an ad campaign against it will begin. It will be supported and funded by the same people currently seeking to pass Obhof’s legislatio­n with the bipartisan “buy-in.” The “Vote No” campaign will claim that voters should reject the initiative to redraw congressio­nal districts because the folks who drafted the initiative have a particular partisan interest in the plan. Hmm.

I have no idea what Obhof’s proposal will look like, and only a general idea what the ballot initiative will look like. But I don’t need to know the details to conclude that any initiative drawn up by the coalition will be better than the proposal backed by the good Senate president and his minions. Columbus welcome introducti­on to some of the lesser-known candidates.

I was disappoint­ed in Democrat Richard Cordray’s failure to respond, but perhaps even worse were Republican’s Mike DeWine’s platitudes, circumlocu­tions, and doubletalk (“Tax questions draw indirect answers,” Dispatch, last Monday). These two approaches to the newspaper’s attempt to discover their stand on important issues illustrate the truth of the old adage that it is better to be silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. Columbus

 ??  ?? John Meekins
John Meekins

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