The Columbus Dispatch

Restrict a gun model’s capacity


I am awed by the resilience of the survivors of last week’s mass shooting and I am inspired by their energy and drive to make a change to avoid future mass shootings. I have heard a lot of good ideas, including applying resources to identify, help and/or intervene with individual­s who are a potential danger to others, mandatory universal background checks with a sound feeder system for informatio­n, and increasing the age limit for purchase of any firearms.

I have also listened to politician­s who say that there are so many different highcapaci­ty firearms out there and that manufactur­ers can make small changes to circumvent the law. My solution is rather simple — jettison the current language, which focuses on gun models, and instead place a limit on the capacity and firing rate of any civilian-owned firearms and associated clip/munition delivery devices.

It would be up to the people we elect as to what an acceptable capacity and rate would be, but it would greatly simplify the requiremen­ts that firearms manufactur­ers must comply with (giving them legal certainty, a continued market, and a clear legal standard to comply with) and eliminate the “change” loophole that some politician­s have indicated that they are concerned about.

It would also allow for continued gun ownership for sport, hunting and selfdefens­e. Not perfect, but much better than the status quo.

Michael Ahern Blacklick

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