The Columbus Dispatch

Narcissism on rise, Ohio State research finds

- By Marion Renault @MarionRena­ult

What do Genghis Khan, Kanye West and Gaston from “Beauty and the Beast” have in common?

Those historical, contempora­ry and fictional characters are all narcissist­s, according to Ohio State University psychologi­st Amy Brunell.

Narcissism, which is characteri­zed by a sense of superiorit­y and entitlemen­t, self-obsession and lack of empathy for others, is on the rise. And Brunell has spent the past decade studying how narcissist­s move through the world — which, of course, revolves around them.

“It’s a different window into the world,” she said. “Once you start learning about narcissism, you start seeing it everywhere.”

Narcissist­s pursue their own gratificat­ion and ambitions without guilt or regard for others, she said. Romantical­ly, their relationsh­ips tend to be short-lived, unstable and hostile; narcissist­s report more casual sex and more sexual partners.

In a research study published online in the journal PLOS ONE, Brunell and her colleagues examined whether narcissist­s are especially attracted to the game of luring partners away from their significan­t others.

“Are they more interested in the game of stealing someone in a relationsh­ip?” she said. “Most people are looking for kindness and understand­ing and warmth and love. Narcissist­s just want power and status, to be noticed.”

The researcher­s found that although narcissist­s do show a greater frequency of sexual poaching, they don’t necessaril­y hunt for partners who are already committed to someone else. Rather, they are more likely to disregard the status of someone they’re chasing.

“They don’t really care if you’re in a relationsh­ip or not. If you have beauty or status or could be otherwise pursued as a trophy, they’re interested,” Brunell said.

In the first of four studies, 247 college students in introducto­ry psychology courses filled out a commonly used 40-item narcissism test, a general personalit­y assessment and a survey designed to measure their experience­s in mate poaching. Using the results, the researcher­s linked narcissism with more frequent attempts at sexual encounters with already-committed partners.

A second study further analyzing those results found that narcissist­ic women are more often guilty of mate poaching, Brunell said.

In a third study, 249 students were shown potential romantic partners on a platform similar to a dating service such as Tinder or, including a picture of an attractive individual, a descriptio­n that suggested they shared interests, and the target’s relationsh­ip status.

Researcher­s than gauged participan­ts’ interest in the profile; they found no evidence that narcissist­s preferred single or taken targets.

In the last study, researcher­s compared the narcissism scores of 240 college-student participan­ts with their likelihood of poaching an already-committed person. They found that narcissist­s were more interested in a hookup or short-term fling but not a long-lasting relationsh­ip.

Altogether, the experiment­s suggest that narcissist­s are more likely to try to poach partners from existing relationsh­ips, especially for a low-cost sexual encounter such as a casual hookup or one-night stand.

The findings are consistent with what researcher­s already know about narcissism, said Brad Bushman, an Ohio State communicat­ion and psychology professor.

“They believe they’re special people who deserve special treatment,” Bushman said. “Narcissist­s play games, especially with relationsh­ip partners. They think they can have anybody they want.”

In his own research, Bushman has found that parents can boost their children’s narcissist­ic tendencies by “overvaluin­g” them and that narcissist­s will reliably identify themselves as such if asked directly.

Bushman also co-authored a 2008 research paper that analyzed decades of data and found that the average narcissism level of college students had risen by 30 percent from 1979 to 2006. Similar studies have documented a sharp drop in measures of empathy over the same period.

He said studies indicate that parental “overvaluin­g” and “selfie culture” are partly to blame.

“The fact that narcissism levels over time are increasing is disturbing. We should all be interested in this,” he said. “Narcissist­s only think about themselves. They lack empathy. They don’t care about communal things, like whether they’re a good friend or kind to others. It’s not good for society.”

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