The Columbus Dispatch

Only hope for the GOP’s soul is a Democratic House

- Michael Gerson writes for the Washington Post Writers Group. michaelger­son@

UMichael Gerson

niversity of Chicago researcher­s have found that the use of certain brands and products is a good predictor of your level of affluence. This is obvious when it comes to a $1,000 iPhone. But the same proved true with Ziploc plastic bags, Kikkoman soy sauce and Cascade Complete dishwasher detergent.

By this measure, Democratic performanc­e in Ohio’s 12th District special election might be called the Ziploc opening. Or maybe the Cascade cascade. The Democratic candidate, Danny O’Connor, appears to have lost by one point in a district that went for Donald Trump by 11 points in the 2016 presidenti­al election. And most of O’Connor’s gains likely came in whitecolla­r suburbs, among college-educated white voters who have been alienated by the president.

Democrats nearly secured a seat Republican­s have held since 1982. If Democratic candidates make comparable gains across the country in November, they will win control of the House.

Democratic strategist­s, however, would make a tremendous mistake if they assume that “white collar” means Oberlin-educated anti-Trump marchers in genital-shaped headwear. To win the House, Democrats need to secure gains in the suburbs of places like Atlanta, Houston and Dallas. At least some of these voters are Bayloreduc­ated parents packing Ziploc-bagged sandwiches to be eaten by children at Christian schools.

In November, many Republican-leaners and independen­ts will face a difficult decision. The national Democratic Party doesn’t share their views or values. But Trump is a rolling disaster of mendacity, corruption and prejudice. What to do?

They should vote Democratic in their House race, no matter who the Democrats put forward. And they should vote mainstream Republican in Senate races.

Why vote strategica­lly? Because American politics is in the midst of an emergency.

If Democrats gain control of the House but not the Senate, they will be a check on the president without becoming a threat to his best policies or able to enact their worst policies. The tax cut will stand. The Senate will still approve conservati­ve judges. But the House will conduct real oversight hearings and expose both Russian influence and administra­tion corruption. Under Republican control, important committees — such as chairman Devin Nunes’ Intelligen­ce Committee — have become scraping, sniveling, panting, pathetic tools of the executive branch. Only Democratic control can drain this particular swamp.

Alternativ­ely: If Republican­s retain control of the House in November, Trump will (correctly) claim victory and vindicatio­n. He will have beaten the political performanc­es of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama in their first midterms. He will have proved the electoral value of racial and ethnic stereotypi­ng. He will have demonstrat­ed the effectiven­ess of circus-like distractio­n. He will have shown the political power of bold, constant, uncorrecte­d lies.

And he will gain many more enablers and imitators.

Perhaps worst of all, a victorious Trump will complete his takeover of the Republican Party. Even murmured dissent will be silenced. The GOP will be fully committed to a 2020 presidenti­al campaign of racial division, of rural/ urban division, of religious division, of party division that metastasiz­es into mutual contempt.

This would leave many Americans entirely abandoned in American politics: Catholics who are both pro-life and pro-immigrant. Evangelica­ls who are conservati­ve but think that character matters, that compassion counts, that racial healing is a Christian calling. Traditiona­l Republican­s who miss a time, not so long ago, when leaders such as Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush modeled grace and led the West in defending freedom.

The possible outcomes this November come down to this: Trump contained, or Trump triumphant.

Democrats, I suspect, will make a victory harder than it should be. Many seem to view Trump’s vulnerabil­ity as an opportunit­y to ideologica­lly purify their party. They are actively underminin­g the job of containing the president, by alienating centrist voters they need to turn the House.

But this does not change the political and ethical reality. The only way to save the GOP is to defeat it in the House. In this case, a Republican vote for a Democratic representa­tive will be an act of conscience.

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