The Columbus Dispatch

Judicial pick walks back remarks on date rape

- By Matthew Daly

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump’s nominee to replace Brett Kavanaugh on a high-profile appeals court said Tuesday that she cringes at some of the language she used as a college student in writing about sexual assault, race and equal rights for women.

Neomi Rao told the Senate Judiciary Committee that writings in which she criticized affirmativ­e action and suggested that intoxicate­d women were partly responsibl­e for date rape do not reflect her current thinking.

“I like to think I’ve matured as a thinker, writer and indeed as a person,” she said at a confirmati­on hearing for a seat on the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Trump nominated Rao for the seat left vacant when Brett Kavanaugh joined the Supreme Court.

Rao, who currently serves as administra­tor of the White House Office of Informatio­n and Regulatory Affairs, said there were “certainly some sentences and phrases” from her college writing in the 1990s that “I would never use today.”

Sen. Joni Ernst, R-iowa, who recently revealed she was raped by her boyfriend in college, said Rao’s writings “give me pause,” in part because of the message they send to young women who may be reluctant to report a rape.

Rao called rape a “horrible crime” and said anyone who commits rape should be prosecuted. Her earlier comment that women should stay sober to avoid placing themselves at risk was merely “common sense” advice that her own mother gave her, Rao said.

Rao, 45, worked in the George W. Bush White House but has never tried a case in state or federal court.

Rao, who would be the first South Asian woman to serve on a federal appeals court, said her experience in the White House, and as a former Judiciary Rao Committee staffer, law professor and Supreme Court clerk, qualified her to join the D.c.-based appeals court, widely viewed as the nation’s second-mostimport­ant court.

The American Bar Associatio­n said Monday it has deemed her “wellqualif­ied” for the appeals court.

Liberal activists and some Democrats have seized on Rao’s writings, in which she also derided LGBT rights as part of a “trendy” political movement and questioned the science behind global warming.

Sen. John Cornyn, R-texas, said he hoped the Senate would not “crush” such youthful idealism “or punish people for that.” But Sen. Dick Durbin, D-ill., said he was appalled at Rao’s statement dismissing racial and gender oppression as “myths.”

Rao told Durbin she had no doubt that such oppression was real. She also said she believes in equal rights for women and LGBT people and in the “overwhelmi­ng” scientific consensus that climate change is real.

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., focused on Rao’s current work at the White House, where she plays a key role in Trump’s efforts to roll back federal rules and regulation­s. Whitehouse said he thinks Rao has worked to protect corporate interests, polluters and the National Rifle Associatio­n.

Shiwali Patel, senior counsel at the National Women’s Law Center, opposed Rao’s promotion, saying, “Barely a few months after the country heard from Dr. Christine Blasey Ford about sexual assault allegation­s against Kavanaugh, a rape apologist could potentiall­y fill his seat on the D.C. Circuit.”

In a 1994 opinion column, Rao wrote: “Unless someone made her drinks undetectab­ly strong or forced them down her throat, a woman, like a man, decides when and how much to drink. And if she drinks to the point where she can no longer choose, well, getting to that point was a part of her choice.”

A good way to avoid a rape “is to stay reasonably sober,” Rao added.

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