The Columbus Dispatch


- By Holiday Mathis

Today’s Birthday: You’ll come to see your feelings as navigation­al data telling you your position in life. You’ll use this informatio­n to move into a life circumstan­ce of your most wonderful dreams. Sagittariu­s and Aquarius people adore you.

Aries: March 21-April 19 Join a conversati­on in the middle, or, even better, start there — today, the middle is the new beginning.

Taurus: April 20-May 20 You’re hearing the same advice from different sources. It’s a sign that there’s value in doing a deeper dive. Look into it!

Gemini: May 21-June 21 You’re structured in your thinking today. You model the behavior you’d like to see in others, and they catch on. count for double over the next 24 hours. You’ll show others that you’re serious about reaching your goals.

Leo: July 23-Aug. 22 There’s no ordinary problem for an extraordin­ary mind. Even getting hit on the head by an apple can unlock a secret of the universe.

Virgo: Aug. 23-Sept. 22 In relationsh­ips, perfection is impossible. Reasonable expectatio­ns are the magic of life. Libra: Sept. 23-Oct. 23

To look at the big picture of your life, you’d have to be standing somewhere other than in the middle of it. Good people can help you get perspectiv­e.

Cancer: June 22-July 22 Remain vigilant, because it will consider your own survival.

Scorpio: Oct. 24-Nov. 21

You can trust in the power of groups today, especially groups with an excellent leader (such as you).

Sagittariu­s: Nov. 22-Dec. 21 The more living things you’re in charge of, the more you must Capricorn: Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Your plans will change. That’s fine; living strictly according to one’s plan isn’t really living.

Aquarius: Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Does a certain person enjoy pushing your emotional buttons? To stop it, don’t react.

Pisces: Feb. 19-March 20 Your vision for your personal life is expanding. Bigger isn’t always better. Think it through.

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