The Columbus Dispatch

No limits on enriching uranium, Iran says

- By Jon Gambrell and Nasser Karimi

TEHRAN, Iran — Iran’s president warned that Tehran will increase its enrichment of uranium to “any amount that we want” beginning Sunday, putting further pressure on European nations to save its faltering nuclear deal and offer a way around intense U.S. sanctions.

President Hassan Rouhani’s threat, combined with Iran surpassing the stockpile limits of the 2015 atomic accord, could narrow the estimated oneyear window it would need to produce enough material for a nuclear weapon, something Iran denies it wants but the deal sought to prevent.

But as tensions rise a year after President Donald Trump unilateral­ly withdrew America from the deal, it looks unlikely that Europe can offer Iran a way to sell its oil on the global market despite U.S. sanctions.

All of this comes as the U.S. has rushed an aircraft carrier, B-52 bombers and F-22 fighters to the region and Iran recently shot down a U.S. military surveillan­ce drone. On Wednesday, Iran also marked the anniversar­y of the U.S. Navy shooting down an Iranian passenger jet in 1988, a mistake that killed 290 people and shows the danger of miscalcula­tion in the current crisis.

“The Trump administra­tion is pushing the center of Iranian politics to the right at the determent of the Iranian people and the entire region,” said Ali Vaez, an Iran analyst for the Internatio­nal Crisis Group. “Rouhani is clearly at the end of his rope and has no choice other than green lighting further escalation.” Rouhani

Rouhani, still viewed inside Iran as a relatively moderate cleric in the country’s Shiite theocracy, has taken an increasing­ly hard-line tone in his remarks to the West. Particular­ly, he and others in his administra­tion target European signatorie­s to the nuclear deal for not doing enough to ease restrictio­ns on Iran’s oil

and financial sectors.

That continued Wednesday in a televised address to his Cabinet. His remarks seemed to signal that Europe has yet to offer Iran anything to alleviate the pain of the renewed U.S. sanctions targeting its oil industry and top officials.

The deal saw Iran agree to limit its enrichment of uranium to 3.67%, which is enough for nuclear power plants but far below the 90% needed for weapons. It also limited its stockpile of enriched uranium to 661

pounds. In exchange, Iran saw crippling economic sanctions lifted.

But after Trump withdrew from the deal, those sanctions and even morestring­ent newer ones took effect. On Monday, both Iran and the U.N.’S nuclear watchdog agency confirmed that Tehran had breached the stockpile limit.

Some two months earlier, Rouhani set the Sunday deadline for when Iran would start to increase its enrichment of uranium. Wednesday’s remarks underlined that.

“From July 7 onward, the level of our enrichment will not be at 3.67% anymore,” Rouhani said. “We will put aside this commitment as much as we want to and to any level we think is necessary and we need.”

He added: “Our advice to Europe and the United States is to go back to logic and to the negotiatin­g table. Go back to understand­ing, to respecting the law and resolution­s of the U.N. Security Council. Under those conditions, all of us can abide by the nuclear deal.”

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