The Columbus Dispatch

Background checks

- By Alexandra Jaffe

Dem candidates blame Trump, NRA for footdraggi­ng on gun control

DES MOINES, Iowa — Democratic presidenti­al candidates on Saturday placed responsibi­lity for inaction on gun violence in the hands of President Donald Trump and the National Rifle Associatio­n despite broad national support for gun control measures.

“If most Americans insist that something be done and it doesn’t happen, it means we need fundamenta­l reform,” Pete Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, said at a presidenti­al forum on gun violence in downtown Des Moines.

The forum comes a week after a pair of mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton shook the nation and reignited a debate on gun rights in America. Seventeen candidates were to speak and answer questions from members of the gun control group Moms Demand Action, some of whom teared up while describing the ways gun violence had affected their families.

New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, asked how to avoid stigmatizi­ng mental illness when the president has repeatedly highlighte­d that issue in response to mass shootings, called Trump a liar. Most people with a mental illness are not violent.

“It’s just President Trump lying to the American people again, being inauthenti­c about what the problem is ... trying to distract, and trying not to take responsibi­lity for what is happening in this nation,” she said.

A number of candidates have released gun control policies in the week since the shootings. On Saturday, the Democrats largely agreed on the broad contours of the policy debate, emphasizin­g the need to close background check loopholes, ban assault weapons and fund research into gun violence. Most of the candidates also called on campaign finance reform as a solution to combat the influence of the NRA on elections.

California Sen. Kamala Harris added her voice to the growing number of candidates calling on Walmart to stop selling guns — “I do believe that,” she said. Walmart is one of the biggest retailers of firearms in the United States, and the El Paso shooting occurred at a Walmart store. But she also pressed strongly for background checks for potential gun buyers.

“We need background checks. Let’s just start with that,” she said. “And we need people to be, as I’ve said, responsibl­e in the way they are selling guns. So it’s not about everyone needs to stop selling guns. But we absolutely need to have checks and balances on it.”

Harris joined Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, Massachuse­tts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker and former Housing Secretary Julian Castro in calling for the chain to end its gun sales. Warren told Americans on Saturday to put pressure on the company by taking their business elsewhere.

A Walmart spokesman has said the company is conducting “a thorough review of our policies” after the shooting.

A trio of more moderate candidates — Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan, Montana Gov. Steve Bullock and Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar —called on gun owners to get involved in the gun control effort.

“If we can ever look at this issue as not a political issue but a public health issue, we know what to do. The majority of gun owners, the majority of NRA members, all of us think universal background checks make a heck of a lot of sense,” Bullock said, noting he uses guns and has taken his son hunting.

A 2017 Pew Research Center poll showed a slight majority of NRA members — and more than three-fourths of gun owners polled — support stronger background checks.

Buttigieg, who recently dealt with a fatal police shooting of a black man in his home city, was asked how he’d address the issue of police shootings. He proposed deescalati­on training, equipping police officers with nonlethal weapons and demanding more accountabi­lity so “officers who do the wrong thing live with justice.”

But a number of the candidates expressed optimism that there was momentum in favor of gun reform because of the growing pressure from the public on lawmakers to act.

“There’s a tipping point that’s been reached. I feel it out there,” Klobuchar said.

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