The Columbus Dispatch

Stickers can help first responders rescue pets



Dear Readers: A great safety measure to protect your pets in case of a fire? A sticker on the window telling first responders how many and what types of pets you have inside.

These stickers are readily available — at pet stores, through the ASPCA (www. for a small donation or at online retailers.

Keep the stickers up to date. Firefighte­rs want to save as many lives as possible, and these stickers give them a benchmark.

Emergencie­s such as fires and floods are high-pressure situations. The harsh reality is, domestic animals can hide in an emergency, but these stickers can help pets get rescued. — Heloise

Dear Heloise: Remind your readers to keep their dogs secure when driving with them in their car. I saw a guy driving with his two dogs hanging out the window. You would never let your kids do that, so why let your dog when “pets are part of the family?”

— Bobbie P., Santa Ana, Calif.

Dear Heloise: I ran out of bread, so I formed a sort of “sandwich” by putting a seasoned pickle between two slices of ham with mustard. A toothpick held it in place. It is low-calorie and highprotei­n. It also can make a decent hors d’oeuvre. — Ken F., Brenham, Texas

Dear Heloise: I save the cardboard cores from toilet tissue rolls, coil the cords of small appliances and push them into the cardboard cores. No more messy, tangled cords. — Judy P., via email

Dear Heloise: I keep a dryerase board on my fridge, and I write down items as I need them. Before I leave, I take a photo of the board with my phone, and I seldom forget anything.

— Priscilla J., via email

Priscilla: Makes negotiatin­g the supermarke­t easier, especially on a Saturday!

— Heloise

Dear Heloise: Working in a podiatrist’s office, I see people with foot problems all the time. It’s the one part of the body people seem to neglect the most. To help keep your feet feeling better, try a few of these:

1. Go barefoot or just in a pair of socks around the house. Let your feet breathe and stretch.

2. Walk. This is good for all parts of your body, but gives exercise to your feet.

3. Roll a tennis ball or golf ball around with the bottom of your foot for at least 15 minutes daily.

4. If you have foot pain, weight loss usually will help.

5. Be certain your shoes fit properly. So many people wear shoes that pinch or cause pain. — T. in Texas

Dear Heloise: I got an offer to try a free sample of cosmetics, but they asked for my credit card number. I thought that was odd because if it’s free, they don’t need my credit card informatio­n. The woman on the phone said my card would not be charged, so I told her I’d love to have the free samples, but she was not getting my financial informatio­n. That was when I realized it was just another scam! — Lois in Utah

Heloise answers letters only in her King Features Syndicate column. Write her at P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 782795000 or send a fax to 1-210-HELOISE.

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