The Columbus Dispatch

Socializin­g issues might indicate couple’s incompatib­ility

- Carolyn Hax Write to Carolyn — whose column appears on Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays — at tellme@

Dear Carolyn: I have a pretty robust social life and usually have plans with friends a few days a week after work. I am also friendly with most of my co-workers, so I get my fix of talking about work while I’m actually at work or by chatting with coworkers off-hours.

My fiance is less social than I am. Sometimes he comes with me to after-work things, but usually not, and he never has any of his own. He also doesn’t like talking to his co-workers very much, which means he usually wants me to be his listening ear about work drama or even just standard dayto-day stuff. Which I don’t mind, I just usually don’t know what he is talking about. And he gets very hurt if I have plans that make it tough to listen to him talk about work.

All of this being the case, he recently suggested we move together to a new city and “start over.” He is feeling the imbalance in our social setups and, if I am interpreti­ng correctly, wants us to live somewhere we are both friendless, perhaps in hopes I will have more time for him.

Initially when he asked I sort of considered it, because a fresh start is sometimes nice, but now

I am feeling pretty angry and resentful. Isn’t it totally selfish for a person to want their partner to give up a happy social life in order to be available on command? — We Can’t Be Happy in the Same Place

Sounds like it. Why are you even together?

Could be a rhetorical question, but I urge you to answer it. You started dating, kept dating and agreed to marry for a reason, but nothing in your letter says why. You have friends you enjoy; you have no interest in what he wants to talk about (you see “I don’t mind,” I see contempt); you interpret his wanting more attention as wanting you “to be available on command.” That is some dark, distrustfu­l stuff — which he may well deserve, given his impulse to cancel your happiness to boost his own. How is that not controllin­g?

So, let’s say you do move. You will both be friendless, yes ... for a minute. Then you will outgoingly make new friends, seeing them a few days a week, which he will mostly opt out of, and you will get your fill of work talk from colleagues then come home to a guy you still don’t find interestin­g. How is that an improvemen­t on anything?

So, again: Why are you together? Why force it amid apparently mutual distrust?

If you still believe he is the best-best person for you, better than anyone and better than solitude, then put your whole heart into understand­ing — and communicat­ing — what you can, can’t, will and won’t alter about your life to make room for him. See how he responds. See, plainly, whether you and he make any sense.

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