The Columbus Dispatch

Probe of armed couple sparks complaint

- Jim Salter Gardner

O’FALLON, Mo. — U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley on Thursday urged Attorney General William Barr to launch a federal civil rights investigat­ion of St. Louis’ elected prosecutor, accusing her of abuse of power in her investigat­ion of a white couple who wielded guns while defending their home during a protest.

Mark and Patricia Mccloskey are under Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner’s scrutiny for the June 28 confrontat­ion in which several hundred protesters marched by their $1.15 million mansion. The couple accused protesters of knocking down an iron gate marked with “No Trespassin­g” and “Private Street” signs.

The Mccloskeys, both in their 60s, emerged with weapons — him with a long-barreled gun, her with a small handgun.

Their actions, captured on video and viewed by millions, drew praise from some who said they were legally defending their home, but scorn from others who said they risked bloodshed by displaying the weapons. Photos emerged as memes on both sides of the gun debate.

Gardner’s office is investigat­ing, but no charges have been filed. Hawley, a

Missouri Republican, wrote in a letter to Barr that Gardner abused her power in seizing the couple’s guns, investigat­ing them and pursuing a possible indictment. He called her actions “an unacceptab­le abuse of power and threat to the Second Amendment.”

“There is no question under Missouri law that the Mccloskeys had the right to own and use their firearms to protect themselves from threatened violence, and that any criminal prosecutio­n for these actions is legally unsound,” Hawley wrote. “The only possible motivation for the investigat­ion, then, is a politicall­y motivated attempt to punish this family for exercising their Second Amendment rights.”

Gardner, in a statement, said, “I am deeply disappoint­ed that a U.S. Senator would intervene in a local matter that is under investigat­ion.”

Hawley isn’t the only high-level Republican to express concerns about Gardner’s investigat­ion. The case caught the attention of President Donald Trump, who spoke by phone with Gov. Mike Parson about it Tuesday.

Parson, when he was in the Legislatur­e, co-authored Missouri’s “castle doctrine” law that justifies deadly force for those who are defending their homes from intruders. He said the McCloskeys “had every right to protect their property.”

Gardner, St. Louis’ first Black circuit attorney, has been at odds with some in the St. Louis establishm­ent since her election in 2016. Most notably, her office charged then-gov. Eric Greitens with felony invasion of privacy in 2018 for allegedly taking a compromisi­ng photo of a woman during an extramarit­al affair.

The charge eventually was dropped, but Greitens resigned in June 2018.

Gardner also has often butted heads with police leaders, especially after she developed an “exclusion list” of more than two dozen police officers who were barred from serving as primary witnesses in criminal cases over what Gardner called credibilit­y concerns. The move angered Police Chief John Hayden, who also is Black.

In January, Gardner filed a federal lawsuit accusing the city, the local police union and others of a coordinate­d and racist conspiracy aimed at forcing her out of office. The lawsuit also accused “entrenched interests” of intentiona­lly impeding her efforts to reform racist practices that have led to a loss of trust in the criminal justice system.

The Mccloskeys are personal injury attorneys. Their home was initially incidental to the June 28 protest — it was simply on the route demonstrat­ors were taking to the home of Mayor Lyda Krewson. The Democratic mayor drew the ire of activists for reading on Facebook Live the names and addresses of some who had called for defunding police.

The Mccloskeys’ attorney, Albert Watkins, said they are longtime civil rights advocates and support the message of the Black Lives Matter movement. He said they grabbed their guns when two or three protesters — who were white — violently threatened the couple, their property and that of their neighbors.

A letter released July 1 by more than three dozen of the Mccloskeys’ neighbors condemned “the behavior of anyone who uses threats of violence, especially through the brandishin­g of firearms, to disrupt peaceful protest, whether it be in this neighborho­od or anywhere in the United States.”

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