The Columbus Dispatch

Exhausted Ohioans crave postelecti­on unity

- Amanda Garrett

Ohioans are exhausted during the final run-up to the 2020 presidenti­al election.

They’re worried about COVID-19, about where the United States is heading, about the vote, both the mechanics of how it will work – or won’t – and about who will ultimately win.

Most are avoiding any face-to-face political conflict outside their pandemic bubbles of friends, people who pretty much agree with them, anyway.

And all the while, they say they’re drowning in a never-ending flood of news, yet they still can’t find informatio­n they need and trust, like what the candidates will do if elected.

“I would like to have a peaceful nation without drama 365 days a year. I’m tired of it,” Northeast Ohio resident Sheilah Smith said during a series of regional conversati­ons with Your Voice Ohio, a project that allows journalist­s to listen in to voters’ conversati­ons across the Buckeye State.

The goal of this series of five YVO meetings – which happened over Zoom during the first full week of October –

was to find out how Ohioans think we could move forward after the election, no matter who is president.

Participan­ts had the option of remaining anonymous in articles about the meetings so they could speak freely about hot-button issues without fear of public retributio­n.

Editors representi­ng more than 50 Yvo-connected news organizati­ons suggested the topic as they watched political divisions grow wider and deeper across their communitie­s and the nation. Just as importantl­y, Ohioans expressed the same concern during 15 other YVO conversati­ons this summer.

In all, 20 voters met in five smaller groups – from two to five people – that represente­d where they live: Central, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast and Southwest Ohio. The ages of voters involved ranged from a 22-year-old firsttime voter – who was too young by a month to vote in 2016 – to an 82-yearold man who still recalls the pride he felt casting his first vote in 1956 when incumbent President Dwight D. Eisenhower beat Adlai Stevenson.

Most seemed to have made up their minds and were voting for Donald Trump or Joe Biden. But there were some undecided voters, too, including a Southwest Ohio woman who voted for Barack Obama before switching sides and voting for Trump in 2016. The groups also included an unwavering Libertaria­n and a man who said he and many of his friends probably wouldn’t vote because they’ve never seen a president impact the problems in their dayto-day lives.

There were no fights, nor even harsh words during the five two-hour virtual meetings.

Often, voters looked for – and sometimes found – common ground on everything from the economy to what they hope will happen after the election, when the real work begins.

Unity is what voters craved most. They want nasty fights and bickering to stop among politician­s – and among themselves.

“Everybody should treat others as they would want to be treated,” said Jinnifer Trubey of Toledo. “That should start with the leader of the free world, and that should trickle down.”

They also want the economy to bounce back with good-paying jobs, but acknowledg­e there’s a big, dangerous and unpredicta­ble obstacle standing in the way: COVID-19.

The virus has already infected more than 8 million Americans and left 218,000 dead. Until the pandemic can be tamed or better managed, voters fear little else can be accomplish­ed.

“I’m a conservati­ve, too, but just the opposite of what a conservati­ve should be [on the] pandemic,” said Faith Williams, who lives in Northeast Ohio.

Williams said “it felt like states were pitted against each other,” which prevents the U.S. from managing the crisis as well as other countries have.

“Everybody needs to be on the same page,” she said.

But whatever happens nationally, many Ohio voters want to find ways to come together. A few have lost friends over political disagreeme­nts, or avoided talking to friends and family who disagree with them because they know it could lead to a fight.

“Hopefully, when the whole country’s temp comes down, it will be easier to have conversati­ons,” said Cheryl Gordon of Southeast Ohio.

Two voters – Michelle Maccutcheo­n of Southwest Ohio and Mikel Grenier of Northwest Ohio – offered their experience reaching across the political and social chasms.

It can start, they said, with a shared purpose and respect.

“I can find common ground with anyone – except trolls,” said Maccutcheo­n, a former volunteer coordinato­r of Ohio’s Libertaria­n Party.

Maccutcheo­n knows her presidenti­al candidate, Jo Jorgensen, is going to lose, so she’s looking forward, trying to build new alliances to get what she wants done.

“I already reached out to the Green Party in my area for a meeting,” she said. “Criminal justice reform. No bailouts or subsidies. We can immediatel­y connect on those and move forward.”

Grenier, a church receptioni­st, was long hesitant to engage in political conversati­ons but is engaging more using life lessons learned as a member of the LGBTQ community.

“I work with somebody who does not believe in some of the exact same issues as I do,” Grenier said. “I go out of the way to make sure they know their opinion is just as important as mine.

“We may not agree,” Grenier said, “but I still love you as a person.”

Ray Chorey, who lives in Southwest Ohio, said an old leadership tenet may apply to rebuilding bridges between people who disagree: You should seek to understand to be understood.

“Take the first step and tell me where you’re coming from and tell me why you believe what you believe,” he said.

People coming from different directions may still disagree on some points, but they may find they agree on others, he said.

In that spirit, YVO has put together a package of stories beginning today to help Ohioans better understand each other in this divided moment.

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