The Columbus Dispatch

Trump has unfinished business

Four years in, several of his promises unmet

- Aamer Madhani and Deb Riechmann

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump swept into office nearly four years ago as an outsider who promised to get things done quickly on behalf of the American people through sheer force of will and unrivaled knowledge about the art of the deal.

He has checked off some items on his to-do list.

Trump pushed through the most significant overhaul of the U.S. tax system since President Ronald Reagan. Trump, as he said he would, tilted the Supreme Court further to the right with confirmation of two conservati­ve justices and likely a third, Amy Coney Barrett, in the coming days. His promise to get tough on illegal immigratio­n has resulted in a surge in migrant apprehensi­ons at the U.s.-mexico border.

But Trump has also faced the same hard truth that each of his White House predecesso­rs learned: Governing is rarely easy.

A look at some of the president’s unfinished business as he asks voters for a second term in the White House:

Health care

Trump has managed to undermine President Barack Obama’s health care law, but has fallen far short of his promise to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. His administra­tion has managed to dismantle parts of the law. Enrollment periods have been shortened, some subsidies were ended, and the individual mandate – that everyone must have coverage or pay a fine – is gone.

Trump says he’s still focused on replacing the law with something “much better and much less expensive.” He said in an interview with CBS’ “60 Minutes” that “it will be so good” if the Supreme Court puts an end to “Obamacare” when the justices hear challenges to it next month.

The number of uninsured Americans has risen under Trump’s watch. Accord

ing to Census Bureau data released last month, nearly 30 million people in the U.S. lacked coverage at some point during 2019, about 1 million more than in the previous year.

‘Endless wars’

Trump has made only modest progress toward meeting his 2016 pledge to bring home all troops from what he calls America’s “endless wars.”

Pentagon officials said the number of troops in Afghanista­n will drop to 4,500 in November. But defense officials insist there are no plans to have all troops home from Afghanista­n this year.

In Iraq, the number of U.S. troops has dipped from about 5,000 to roughly 3,000, although officials say the number fluctuates higher as units rotate.

The wall

During his 2016 primary run, Trump sought to mark his ground as an immigratio­n enforcer ready to build “a great, great wall on our southern border.”

“And I will make Mexico pay for that wall,” Trump said as he launched his run for the White House in June 2015. “Mark my words.”

Nearly four years later, Trump still has work to do completing his wall.

The president’s administra­tion has promised to build 450 miles by the end of this year and has so far built 371. Trump has replaced hundreds of miles of old, worn-out barriers, meant only to stop cars, with tall, 30-foot fencing that is much harder to get over and impedes wildlife from crossing the border. Conservati­onists in Arizona, where a bulk of the building has taken place, say the new wall is detrimenta­l to wildlife and the surroundin­g ecosystems.

Mexico has steadfastl­y refused to pay for the wall, though Trump earlier this year suggested that the wall is being paid for, in part, by remittance­s from Mexican immigrants working in the U.S.

Mideast peace

Early in his presidency, Trump expressed confidence that his administra­tion could broker a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinia­ns. “We will get it done,” Trump declared in May 2017. He put his son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner in charge.

Trump moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a step that was cheered by Israelis and the president’s evangelica­l Christian supporters in the U.S. but angered Palestinia­n leaders. He did score big in recent weeks with the U.S. nudging Bahrain, Sudan and the United Arab Emirates – three Arab states – to normalize relations with Israel.


The White House’s multiple attempts to designate an “infrastruc­ture week” – each effort quickly eclipsed by other issues – have become something of a running punchline in the administra­tion.

In his 2016 victory speech, Trump said he would rebuild the nation’s highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, schools and hospitals, making American infrastruc­ture “second to none” and putting millions to work in the process.

Nearly four years later, Trump’s rhetoric has failed to produce legislatio­n.

In April 2019, Trump reached an agreement with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-calif., and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., to pursue a $2 trillion infrastruc­ture plan. This March, he resurrecte­d the idea for a “VERY BIG & BOLD” plan for infrastruc­ture spending to help jolt the staggering economy after the coronaviru­s pandemic hit. Trump’s sales pitch has gone nowhere with his own party.

Trump’s taxes

On the debate stage four year ago, Trump said his federal income taxes were “under a routine audit” but promised they would be released as soon as the IRS finished.

Four years later, Trump says the IRS still hasn’t completed its work, and the president has yet to fulfill his promise to release his tax returns. No law prevents Trump from making his tax filings public while under audit.

Questions about Trump’s tax returns – and his broader financial situation – have only grown following revelation­s that he is personally liable for more than $400 million in debt.

Trump dismisses his debt load as a “peanut” compared with his assets.

He is the only post-watergate president not to release his tax returns.

 ?? EVAN VUCCI/AP FILE ?? Some sections of candidate Donald Trump’s border wall have been built, and the work has been paid for by U.S. taxpayers, not Mexico.
EVAN VUCCI/AP FILE Some sections of candidate Donald Trump’s border wall have been built, and the work has been paid for by U.S. taxpayers, not Mexico.

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