The Columbus Dispatch

Why aren’t militias shut down?

Groups persist despite being illegal in all states

- Kristine Phillips

WASHINGTON – “People are getting injured, and our job is to protect this business. And part of my job also is to protect people. If someone is hurt, I’m running into harm’s way. That’s why I have my rifle.”

So said Kyle Rittenhous­e as he stood in front of a boarded-up building in Kenosha, Wisconsin, in August.

The 17-year-old, police said, shot three people that night – two of them fatally – as heavily armed civilians who showed up to patrol the streets of Kenosha clashed with demonstrat­ors protesting the police shooting of a Black man. Rittenhous­e is now facing homicide charges.

Rittenhous­e’s comments to the Daily Caller in August appear to suggest a self-assigned role of protecting people. That’s illegal in Wisconsin, where the state constituti­on forbids armed civilians from arming themselves to assume the role of law enforcemen­t.

In fact, all 50 states prohibit such private, military-like activities.

Still, militant groups from far-right fringes have proliferat­ed, energized by President Donald Trump, experts say.

As Trump campaigned, he repeatedly claimed, without evidence, that a massive voter fraud conspiracy was underway and called on his supporters “to go into the polls and watch very carefully.” Some groups promised to do so.

The Southern Poverty Law Center reports that in the U.S., there were about 180 “militias” – defined by the law center as anti-government groups that engage in military-style training – active in 2019.

According to the FBI: “Many militia extremists view themselves as protecting the U.S. Constituti­on, other U.S. laws, or their own individual liberties. They believe that the Constituti­on grants citizens the power to take back the federal government by force of violence if they feel it’s necessary.”

Legal experts say that belief is wrong.

The constituti­ons of 48 states require the military to be under the authority of the government. This means citizens do not have the authority to organize in a military-style fashion. Twenty-nine states also don’t allow private militaryli­ke activities such as parading or conducting drills in public using firearms.

“When self-designated private militia organizati­ons attend public rallies purportedl­y to keep the peace or protect the rights of protesters or counterpro­testers, they likely fall within this type of prohibitio­n, particular­ly if bearing arms and wearing military-style uniforms,” according to Georgetown University’s Institutio­n for Constituti­onal Advocacy and Protection, or ICAP.

In 25 states, unauthoriz­ed military activities are considered a crime. In Colorado, for example, instructin­g people how to use or make firearms or explosive devices with the intent of causing civil disorder is a class 5 felony.

In 17 states, laws prohibit self-appointed peacekeepe­rs from dressing up in uniforms and assuming the role of law enforcemen­t.

To legally justify their existence, these groups have seized on the Second Amendment, which says: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the se

curity of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

But the phrase “well regulated Militia” in this case refers to one that’s sanctioned and regulated by the government, like the National Guard, and not to privately organized paramilita­ry groups, said Mary Mccord, acting assistant attorney general for the Justice Department’s National Security Division and legal director of Georgetown University’s ICAP.

Still, this phrase has been misinterpr­eted, particular­ly in states that don’t explicitly ban or criminaliz­e paramilita­ry activities, said Amy Cooter, a Vanderbilt University sociology professor who has studied militant groups.

A lot of groups see themselves as “supplement­ary to the military,” Cooter said. “Most of them see themselves as doing exactly what’s required of them. … From the militia’s perspectiv­e, as long as they have some sort of overarchin­g training, some structure, that’s sufficient to maintain that legal structure.”

The Supreme Court also has been clear thta the Second Amendment does not protect paramilita­ry activities, Mccord said.

In 2008, the Supreme Court ruled that the Second Amendment protects an individual’s right to possess a firearm for self-defense. But the court’s opinion, authored by the late conservati­ve Associate Justice Antonin Scalia, also said the Second Amendment does not guarantee “a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.”

Scalia also reiterated a Supreme Court ruling from more than a century earlier: that the Second Amendment does not prevent states from banning paramilita­ry organizati­ons.

For the most part, it’s because local and state government­s have not enforced the laws, experts say.

“I think in many states, there’s not only a lack of political will, but we also have so-called ‘constituti­onal sheriffs’ who refused to enforce the laws,” said Brian Levin, director of the Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism at California State University-san Bernardino. “I think some law enforcemen­t executives are sympatheti­c (to these groups’ causes). I think most are just not very aware of militias that are operating within their jurisdicti­ons, particular­ly in rural areas, and also of what the law is.”

In many places, sheriffs reach out to paramilita­ry groups for help with law enforcemen­t activities, such as search and rescue efforts, giving them a de facto legal status, Cooter said.

“The way these folks sometimes ensconced themselves, they do so in a manner where they’re trying to cultivate positive relations with law enforcemen­t,” Levin said.

In some places, local law enforcemen­t may simply choose not to go after heavily armed and well-trained groups, said Daryl Johnson, a former Department of Homeland Security analyst who studied right-wing extremists.

“For the most part, most militia groups are defensive in nature. They just want to protect their families and communitie­s,” so local government­s have simply allowed them to exist, he said. But Johnson said other groups have proved more brazen and offensive in their actions, particular­ly in the midst of COVID-19 restrictio­ns that many saw as an infringeme­nt on their freedoms.

 ?? JACK GRUBER/USA TODAY FILE ?? Gun rights advocates and militia members gather in Richmond, Va., to protest potential gun control bills.
JACK GRUBER/USA TODAY FILE Gun rights advocates and militia members gather in Richmond, Va., to protest potential gun control bills.

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