The Columbus Dispatch

Seek coverage of ACA despite court challenge


Pardon those unfortunat­e Americans who have lost their health insurance during the COVID-19 pandemic if they are confused about whether to seek coverage under Obamacare.

The annual sign-up period for this low-cost government-backed program, officially known as the Affordable Care Act, began Sunday and runs through Dec. 15, but many have good reason for not knowing how to proceed.

Ordinarily, the open-enrollment period would be marked by plenty of advertisem­ents and other outreach efforts to help spread the word to those who need but can't afford to buy health insurance in the open marketplac­e.

But in these decidedly unordinary times, the administra­tion of President Donald Trump has done little to toss the Obamacare lifeline to those who might need it.

Trump earlier cut the ad budget that would have enabled the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to get the word out to those who need to know how to obtain health insurance under the ACA — either at the time they lost medical coverage tied to employment or during open enrollment. That was just part of the president's continuous attack on the signature health plan of his predecesso­r's two terms.

Having failed to persuade Congress to end Obamacare, Trump is now asking the U.S. Supreme Court to throw it out in a case to be heard on Tuesday . That case originated with a coalition of 18 states seeking to have the law declared unconstitu­tional. The Trump administra­tion later joined the states in that effort.

This is despite the fact that there is no plan available to replace Obamacare, contrary to Trump's campaign trail assertions, both in 2016 and continuing through this year, that he would provide something better.

The president's assault on Obamacare is also being waged without regard to the 23 million people who already rely on it for their health insurance. And Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonpartisa­n nonprofit focused on U.S. health issues, estimates that 80% of the 5 million to 10 million individual­s who have become uninsured due to the COVID-19 pandemic could be eligible for ACA coverage.

Still, those who desperatel­y need to know might hear about ACA open enrollment because some individual­s who worked in the administra­tion of former President Barack Obama created Getamerica­ to help promote sign-ups. Or they might be assisted with enrollment by community organizati­ons.

The important thing is for those who need it to sign up for coverage through the ACA while they still can. The Supreme Court won't rule on the law's future immediatel­y upon hearing arguments in the case next week. It could be June before a decision is rendered.

And whoever is in the White House and in Congress come January, the most persuasive argument for extending or even improving Obamacare is to demonstrat­e how much it is needed. That happens when those with few options sign up at during open enrollment for insurance that typically costs less than $75 a month for most people, with subsidies making some plans available for no monthly premium.

America had 26 million uninsured people before the COVID pandemic struck, and Medicaid enrollment increased by 4 million since March. Signing up now for ACA coverage could be exactly what some individual­s and families need to survive until the pandemic finally wanes and better job prospects with health coverage get them back on their feet.

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