The Columbus Dispatch


Infrastruc­ture plan would move America forward


The Biden administra­tion's so-called “once in a generation” infrastruc­ture plan has Washington

Republican­s fuming more than anything that could come from a diesel truck. h President Joe

Biden's plan “is not going to get support from our side," Senate Republican leader Mitch

Mcconnell has said. He condemned the entire Democratic agenda, saying, “I'm going to fight them every step of the way, because I think this is the wrong prescripti­on for America.” h It is true that roads, railways and bridges are not the only things that come with the infrastruc­ture plan's $2 trillion price tag. The proposal also would mean investment in such things as universal broadband, electric-car charging stations, affordable homes and assistance to older and Americans with disabiliti­es. h To be certain, the plan broadens the definition of infrastruc­ture. But focusing on those ancillary issues – many of which address real needs – paves over reality.

The nation's infrastruc­ture is outdated and in bad shape, and that affects the ability of U.S. businesses to compete in a global marketplac­e – and all of us on the street level.

The American Jobs Plan would invest $621 billion in repair and constructi­on of roads, bridges, transit and rail service. That includes modernizin­g 20,000 miles of roads, fixing the nation's 10 most "economical­ly significant" bridges and repairing 10,000 smaller bridges in poor condition. That would support many, many jobs across the country.

There also would be big allotments for transit improvemen­ts and expansions, railway improvemen­ts and to update airports. Billions would be directed to modernize federal buildings, improve community college infrastruc­ture and modernize Veterans Affairs hospitals.

Infrastruc­ture should not be a polarizing issue, and there was a time not too long ago that it was not.

“They know we need it,” Biden said this week of Republican­s. “Everybody around the world is investing billions and billions of dollars in infrastruc­ture, and we’re going to do it here.”

The American Society of Civil Engineers says that 43% of our public roadways are in poor or mediocre condition.

It gives the nation's overall infrastruc­ture a “C-”.

Former President Donald Trump pledged twice to address infrastruc­ture. While running for office in 2016, he pushed a $1 trillion infrastruc­ture plan that would have used tax incentives to entice private investment in public works projects.

Trump outlined a second $1 trillion plan in early 2020 for roads, rail, water systems and other infrastruc­ture, paid for by fuel tax revenue.

He couldn't get either done. Biden wants to pay for his eight-year spending package by raising the minimum tax on U.S. corporatio­ns to 21% and the corporate tax rate to 28% from 21%.

A Moody’s Analytics report says that "despite the higher corporate taxes and the larger government deficits, the plan provides a meaningful boost to the nation’s long-term economic growth."

In short, investing in infrastruc­ture and transporta­tion systems would be in support of the very corporatio­ns that are being asked to help pay for the improvemen­ts. They use and benefit from roads, bridges, rail lines, power lines and water and sewer lines more than any other taxpayers.

Ohio certainly could use help with our more than 21,000 center-line miles of road and 44,047 bridges.

In February, the Ohio Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers gave the state's infrastruc­ture an overall grade of "C-," which is slightly ahead of the national average of "D+" given in 2017.

Ohio's levees, roads and transit all received big, fat "D’s," the lowest grade.

More than 5% of the state's 27,072 highway bridges are classified as structural­ly deficient, according to a recent report by the American Road and Transporta­tion Builders Associatio­n, which uses data from the Federal Highway Administra­tion National Bridge Inventory.

In 2020, Ohio ranked 12th in the nation when it comes to structural­ly deficient bridges.

Matt Bruning, statewide press secretary for the Ohio Department of Transporta­tion, says most of 25 bridges the associatio­n lists as Ohio’s top traveled, structural­ly deficient bridges have been replaced or repaired, or are scheduled to be.

The infrastruc­ture controlled by ODOT is in overall good shape thanks in part to the gas tax increase signed by Gov. Mike Dewine in 2019, but Bruning says additional money from the federal government would be put to good use.

"Ninety-six cents of every dollar goes to the preservati­on of roadway we already have," he said. "If Washington were to send us more money, we know where we would spend it."

Biden said he will have "a good-faith negotiatio­n with any Republican who wants to help get this done."

Mcconnell and other Republican­s need to meet him at the table.

The crater-size holes in the nation's infrastruc­ture need to be filled to keep America moving.

Editorials are The Dispatch Editorial Board's fact-based assessment of issues of importance to the communitie­s we serve. These are not the opinions of our reporting staff members, who strive for neutrality in their reporting.

 ?? DORAL CHENOWETH/COLUMBUS DISPATCH ?? Work continues to relocate and revamp the intersecti­on of I-70 and I-71 Downtown, including this tunnel, the constructi­on of new roads and additional widening and reconstruc­tion efforts. The estimated project cost of the next phase is about $120 million. This view looks southeast with the Nationwide Children's Hospital buildings in the background.
DORAL CHENOWETH/COLUMBUS DISPATCH Work continues to relocate and revamp the intersecti­on of I-70 and I-71 Downtown, including this tunnel, the constructi­on of new roads and additional widening and reconstruc­tion efforts. The estimated project cost of the next phase is about $120 million. This view looks southeast with the Nationwide Children's Hospital buildings in the background.
 ?? EVAN VUCCI/AP ?? President Joe Biden says he is willing to work with Republican­s on an infrastruc­ture plan, but GOP leaders have balked so far.
EVAN VUCCI/AP President Joe Biden says he is willing to work with Republican­s on an infrastruc­ture plan, but GOP leaders have balked so far.

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