The Columbus Dispatch

Legislatur­e’s sleight of hand affects issues

- Thomas Suddes

Carnival barkers and General Assembly members share one secret – the hand is faster than the eye along the midway or at the Statehouse.

All the more so, given that Ohioans face distractio­ns ranging from the COVID-19 pandemic to the weekly trials of the three B’s – the Browns, Buckeyes and Bengals. So while many Ohioans’ eyes are elsewhere, the General Assembly is drilling and sawing the Revised Code to meet private interests’ specs.

A Senate-house conference committee is gearing up to craft a bill legalizing sports betting in Ohio.

Whether that is good or bad for Jane and John Taxpayer remains to be seen. But you can be sure that the promoters of sports betting – just like the promoters of Ohio’s casinos – don’t aim to lose any money. Gambling, after all, is the one business where the proprietor always wins.

Then there is the latest entry in Ohio’s quest to treat the environmen­t as a slash-and-burn zone – House Bill 175, which the House passed 61-33 on Sept. 29. (The only Democrat voting “yes” was Rep. Richard Brown, of Canal Winchester. The only Republican voting “no” was Rep. Laura Lanese, of Grove City.)

Gobbledygo­ok aside, the bill, sponsored by Rep. Brett Hudson Hillyer, a Uhrichsvil­le Republican, would hogtie Ohio’s power to fight water pollution by ending regulation of so-called ephemeral streams: “Surface water … that flows or pools only in response to precipitat­ion, such as rain or snow,” the Legislativ­e Service Commission says.

HB 175 is opposed by the Ohio EPA, which answers to Republican Gov. Mike Dewine; by the Darby Creek Associatio­n, dedicated to protecting Greater Columbus’ regionally and nationally prized Big and Little Darby creeks (they are national and state scenic rivers); by the Ohio Environmen­tal Action Fund; and by former Ohio first lady Hope Taft.

She and former Gov. Bob Taft live along the Little Miami River, also a national wild and scenic river, in Greene County.

And Hope Taft is vice president of the Ohio Scenic Rivers Associatio­n. “(Ephemeral streams are) like capillarie­s are to our circulator­y system, if enough are damaged our whole body gets sick,” Hope Taft said in testimony opposing HB 175.

And we’re not talking small stakes. According to Ohio EPA Director Laurie A. Stevenson’s testimony in opposition to HB 175, of an estimated 115,206 miles of Ohio primary headwaters streams, “an estimated 36,405 miles are ephemeral streams,” from which the bill would yank protection.

Moreover, as the Ohio Environmen­tal Council Action Fund’s Peter Bucher observed his opposition testimony, HB 175 would undercut Dewine’s multimilli­ondollar H2ohio program, aimed at protecting Ohio’s waters. “HB 175 takes our state in the wrong direction,” Bucher said – unless, that is, the state Senate slams on the brakes on the bill.

Meanwhile, it wouldn’t be Ohio’s General Assembly if a clutch of pro-gun bills wasn’t floating around. The latest is Substitute Senate Bill 185, to crimp public officials’ emergency powers to suppress riots or mobs. The bill declares firearms and ammunition to be “life-sustaining” – yes, irony is lost on our legislator­s – “‘essential’ businesses” during an emergency.

The bill then forbids the state or Ohio’s political subdivisio­ns to forbid the sale of firearms, ammunition or, for that matter, the sale of any deadly weapon. As an example of Statehouse absurdity, that’s hard to top.

Paying up

The General Assembly is still refusing to fully repeal House Bill 6, that 2019 gem that resulted in federal corruption indictment­s and which still costs Ohio electricit­y customers big money.

As signed by Dewine, HB 6 would have bailed out, at consumers’ expense, the Perry and Davis-besse nuclear power plants then owned by Akron-based First Energy Corp.

Earlier this year, the legislatur­e repealed the nuclear bailout, not so much out of embarrassm­ent (as if), but because the plants’ new owners said in so many words the subsidies created a problem with federal utility regulators.

But the General Assembly left in place subsidies for two coal-burning power plants, one in Indiana. And because the legislatur­e’s coal-plant mandate remains in effect, Ohio consumers have paid $150 million in coal-plant subsidies since January 2000. That’s the Statehouse Way: Pay up. Move on. Thomas Suddes is a former legislativ­e reporter with The Plain Dealer in Cleveland and writes from Ohio University.

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