The Columbus Dispatch

What has Vance’s charity really done?


I strongly urge everyone to vote no on J.D. Vance for Senate this November. J.D. Vance is a venture capitalist and walking special interest, he's anything but a public servant.

Vance's non-profit, called Our Ohio Renewal, was founded in 2016 to fight opioid addiction but hasn't really done that, according to non-profit experts like Doug White. Our Ohio Renewal is instead a “charade... a superficia­l way for him (Vance) to say he's helping Ohio.”

Roughly half of Our Ohio Renewal's receipts allegedly have gone to Jai Chabria, who is a political strategist currently advising Vance's Senate campaign. This is immoral, and possibly illegal.

Some of the funds donated to Our Ohio Renewal may have gone to a political poll to determine if 2018 would be a good year for Vance to run for Senate. Imagine donating money to a charity only to discover that your money actually went to someone's political campaign?

Our Ohio Renewal even had the gall to hire Dr. Sally Satel as a resident physician, a senior fellow from the American Enterprise Institute with ties to Purdue Pharmaceut­icals, the makers of Oxycontin. Dr. Satel has repeatedly suggested that addiction is the result of behavior and environmen­t, as opposed to the ingestion of addictive pain pills.

Meanwhile, Purdue Pharmaceut­icals just paid out a $6 billion settlement earlier this year to the victims of its aggressive marketing and over-prescripti­on campaigns. Campaigns that resulted in the unnecessar­y deaths of countless individual­s.

Tim Ryan (Vance's opponent) is a centrist Democrat with a reputation for fighting for American workers in Congress.

Ryan is an Independen­t, more or less, unbeholden to any party boss and/or special interest. He's got my vote this fall.

Jeff Robertson, Yellow Springs

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