The Columbus Dispatch

EU agrees to ban products that fuel deforestat­ion


BRUSSELS – European Union lawmakers and government­s reached a deal Tuesday that would ban the import of products that contribute to deforestat­ion around the world.

The preliminar­y agreement, which still needs to be formally adopted by the EU parliament, requires companies to verify that the goods they sell in the EU have not led to deforestat­ion and forest degradatio­n anywhere in the world as of 2021.

Companies need to show that goods they import comply with rules in the country of origin, including on human rights and the protection of Indigenous people.

Forests around the world are increasing­ly under threat from clearance for timber and agricultur­e, including soybeans and palm oil. The U.N. Food and Agricultur­e Organizati­on estimates that 1.6 million square miles of forest – an area larger than the EU – were destroyed between 1990 and 2020.

Pascal Canfin, who chairs the European Parliament’s environmen­t committee, said the agreement by the 27-nation bloc marks a “world first.”

“Europe will close its doors to the everyday products that have the highest

impact on deforestat­ion in the world if their importers are not able to demonstrat­e, with supporting documents, that they do not come from deforested areas,” he said. “It’s the coffee we drink in the morning, the chocolate we eat, the charcoal we use in our barbecues, the paper in our books. It’s radical, and that’s what we’re going to do.”

More than 100 countries pledged last year to halt and reverse global deforestat­ion by 2030, as part of efforts to combat climate change. Forests are an important natural means of removing greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere, since plants absorb carbon dioxide when they grow.

 ?? ACHMAD IBRAHIM/AP FILE ?? Forests around the world are under threat from clearance for timber and agricultur­e, including soybeans and palm oil, pictured.
ACHMAD IBRAHIM/AP FILE Forests around the world are under threat from clearance for timber and agricultur­e, including soybeans and palm oil, pictured.

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