The Columbus Dispatch

Deck sealer debacle

- Ask the Builder Tim Carter

Do you have a wood deck? How much time do you invest in cleaning and sealing it? How many gallons, currently priced around $55 per gallon, of high-quality sealer do you use to make your deck look fantastic? I pretty much know all the answers because I’ve dealt with cleaning and sealing outdoor decks, fences, and other wood for decades.

Deep experience is often coupled with cynicism. I’m acutely susceptibl­e to this because it’s my job to think analytical­ly about building products and tools. I feel a deep responsibi­lity to find the best products and then share that informatio­n with you. When it comes to deck and outdoor wood sealers, I’m not certain there is a great product currently on the market.

In the three decades I’ve penned this column, I’ve written about all sorts of products telling all the truths that the manufactur­ers convenient­ly leave out. I’ve been a master plumber since 1981, and when I saw the big push about the wonders of tankless water heaters, I shared that in certain cases you’d never save money with them. Your energy bills would go up because you’d have an endless supply of hot water. I shared that you have to amortize the much higher installati­on cost. This meant it would take years to break even.

If my claims were wrong, I would have heard instantly from the water heater manufactur­ers. They would have demanded a retraction or correction column. I never heard a word. The exact same thing happened less than 10 years ago when I exposed how asphalt shingles were being pre-aged. This means they don’t last as long as they should on your roof. Did the shingle manufactur­ers reach out crying foul about all the facts in my “Roofing Ripoff” book? They did not, because my claims were correct.

Now let’s see what the deck sealer manufactur­ers are going to say. Less than 30 years ago, deck sealers used to be true stains. They would soak into the wood and not leave a film on the surface. I distinctly remember testing one that used synthetic resin instead of natural oils. Natural oils such as tung and linseed are delicious food for mildew and algae. Not so synthetic resins.

That magic sealer penetrated into the wood and would look great for about three years. All you had to do to reseal the deck was to wash it with soap and water or an oxygen bleach solution. You’d then apply a fresh coat. The product never peeled. Back all those years ago, many deck sealers were true penetratin­g stains.

But things started to change in the last two decades. Just about every deck sealer I’ve tested has peeled. In other words, the sealers are more like paint and varnish rather than like a wood stain that soaks into the wood.

The issue is that when the film-forming deck sealer fails, it’s a catastroph­ic failure. Some of the sealer peels and some doesn’t. If you just clean the deck and reseal it, not removing the unpeeled sealer, you often get an uneven finish that appears blotchy.

To achieve great results, when it’s time to reseal your outdoor wood, you have to strip off the old finish or sand it off. That is mind-numbing work, to put it mildly.

So, why would the manufactur­ers create film-forming products that cause you and millions of others so much agony? Is it to sell more sealer faster?

You and I both have to battle unethical or misleading informatio­n on product labels. The most recent deck sealer I used showed great promise when I used it three years ago. The label said it was a penetratin­g finish. I thought for sure it would be like the sealer of old that was truly a penetratin­g stain.

It turns out it was a film former. Technicall­y, I’m sure an expert on the witness stand would or could say that some of the product did penetrate into the top layer of wood fibers. But I feel halftruths are whole lies. The manufactur­er of the product I bought could have also added a phrase, “…and once dry, a protective surface film stops water from entering the wood.”

What are your options? Well, you can bite the bullet if you intend to live in your home for many years.

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