The Commercial Appeal

Debates only loosely connected to skills a president will need

- By Jonathan Bernstein

Bloomberg View

Should presidenti­al-debate moderators do double duty as fact-checkers? With the first showdown between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Monday at Hofstra University in New York, this argument is hot again.

Ari Fleischer, who was a press secretary for George W. Bush, argues that it’s the job of the other candidates, not the moderators, to correct any whoppers one of the debaters might tell. Others with him, believing the job is analogous to what a boxing referee does — policing violations of the rules, which in the political arena means sticking to something resembling the truth.

Former debate moderators Jim Lehrer and Bob Schieffer advocate something of a middle ground. Moderators should give the other candidate a chance to rebut an obvious falsehood, but Schieffer thinks that “if he (or she) doesn’t, then you should step in.”

The answer on this issue may depend on what we think debates are for. If they are combat to determine who should sit in the Oval Office, then firm rules faithfully enforced are a must. But presidenti­al debates don’t have the job of controllin­g that; nor should they.

It makes no sense for any voter to make these events central to his or her decision process. Debate skills are narrow and technical, and have at best only loose connection­s to the skills presidents need. Formal debates do not resolve foreign clashes, for example, nor disputes with Congress. Nor is the ability to deliver preplanned zingers important to the functionin­g of the presidency.

Fortunatel­y, it appears that general-election debates, for all their hype, don’t have much of an effect on voter choice. People hear what they want to hear, so most Clinton supporters will wind up convinced she did well, while most Trump supporters will think he “won.”

Even when debates produce temporary shifts in the polls, the evidence suggests this is more of a survey effect than anything real: If a candidate is perceived as doing poorly, his or her supporters are (briefly, while the story is still in the news) less likely to respond to pollsters, thus giving the false impression of a real shift in the electorate.

This doesn’t mean debates are unimportan­t. A lot of people watch them, and even more wind up exposed to post-debate media coverage. So the events are one important way for voters to learn about the candidates and the campaign, even if this informatio­n doesn’t affect their choices.

The debates are also internally important to campaigns. Candidates must be prepared with coherent answers to likely questions, pushing them to take positions on public policies they might prefer to remain neutral on. Politician­s are thus pushed into making promises to voters that affect how they govern.

If the debates are therefore about representa­tion, then it’s wrong to say a moderator is like a referee enforcing the rules. Instead, his or her job is to nudge the candidates toward topics that lead to promises, both on the issues and on how they intend to behave as president. The moderators may not succeed, but they can push in that direction.

What if a candidate states something that is glaringly untrue? In that case, the course Schieffer suggested — correcting it, if the opponent in the debate does not — is probably the way to go. Since debates are about giving voters informatio­n, it’s better to avoid blatant misinforma­tion. But candidates should be the main fact-checkers on the debate stage.

Off the stage, of course, the press should do its usual fact-checking — though “usual” may understate its challenge in keeping up with Trump, given his record so far in producing whopper after whopper. Reporters will also want to do some knowledge-checking: How well-informed were the candidates, or did they talk in vague generaliti­es? Here, too, based on what we’ve seen over the last year, Trump’s presence should make it a very busy night.

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