The Commercial Appeal

By trusting in God, you can learn to overcome your fear


Maybe it was the way I was raised, but I’ve always been a very fearful person. I admit that most of the things I worry about don’t ever happen, but I still worry about them. Will I always be like this?

I suspect you always will be like this — if you don’t take steps to conquer your fears! But you can take steps to conquer them — and the most important step you can take is to learn to turn your fears and anxieties over to God.

Let me explain. Right now you see the world as a place that is against you: people are against you, circumstan­ces are against you, future events are against you. And to some extent you are right: the world can be a scary place. We can’t always control what happens to us, and sometimes things do go wrong.

But listen: ultimately God is in control — and he can be trusted to see us through life’s difficulti­es and surprises.

And God isn’t only in control — he also loves us, and he can be trusted to do what is best for us. The future is in God’s hands — and we can trust him no matter what happens. Jesus said, “But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33).

Turn to Jesus Christ and ask him to come into your life — and he will. Then when fears come, turn them over to him in prayer, and have confidence that he will take care of them. He loves you, and you can trust him to be with you in the midst of every situation — no matter what it is. The Bible says, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7).

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