The Commercial Appeal



Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. Psalm 82:3

Jesus forgives Forrest, too

It was disappoint­ing to read the article “New marker will tell the truth of Forrest” when in fact it does not. There was nothing in the article that mentions that Nathan Bedford Forrest became a Christian after his Civil War battles and his somewhat sketchy time with the KKK. If monuments are only to be erected to those of perfect moral character, then to whom do we build? Jesus said repent and be baptized for the remission of your sins. When you put your trust in Jesus, your sins are forgiven. I wonder what monuments could be raised for any of us? Turn to Jesus, He loves you. Your sins, all your sins, can be forgiven.

Ron McDaniel, Colliervil­le

Congress unable to protect us

I am just amazed at the number of Email letters to letters@commercial; mail Letters to the Editor, The Commercial Appeal, 495 Union, Memphis, TN 38103; or click on the “Submit Letter” link on the Opinion page atcommerci­ letters I read and comments I hear on TV and radio about waiting for Congress to solve the problem of school shootings. Congress isn’t going to do anything that might reflect negatively on themselves with any voters since they are only interested in getting reelected and padding their bank accounts. If we wait for the government to do something there will only be more shootings of helpless and defenseles­s children and teachers. The NRA is not the problem here as they seem to be the only ones protecting our constituti­onal rights.

Chris Price, Germantown


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