The Commercial Appeal

Book shares lessons from ‘America’s pastor’

- Jonathan Drew | ASSOCIATED PRESS

RALEIGH, N.C. – Before the 2016 elections, Billy Graham’s son went to the evangelist’s mountain home, seeking advice before a 50-state tour to pray with Christian voters.

In his new book, “Through My Father’s Eyes,” Franklin Graham recounts that his father had concerns.

Billy Graham had become known as “America’s Pastor” by advising presidents of both parties, from Dwight Eisenhower to George W. Bush. Would his son, coming into his own as a more partisan evangelica­l, be taking sides?

“He was concerned because it was a political year and that, ‘Franklin, you don’t want this to be seen as political,’ ” the son said in an interview. “And that’s why I went out of my way to make sure that this was a prayer rally. … And I made sure I did not tell anyone how to vote.”

The younger Graham pointedly avoided endorsing candidate Donald Trump, but neither did he abandon him, as other evangelica­ls did in response to scandals that surfaced during the campaign.

He has since become an outspoken Trump ally, and writes in the book that he thanks God the Republican was elected.

As the leader of his father’s namesake associatio­n and the Samaritan’s Purse charity, Graham has been more in the spotlight since his father’s death in February at age 99. It’s a sensitive time for American Christians: While some evangelica­ls support Republican­s without question, others struggle to find support in the Bible for what Trump says and does.

Graham acknowledg­es both conservati­ve Christians and a wider audience in his book, which interspers­es his views on religion, culture and Trump with quotes from his father and family anecdotes.

“I started by just looking at the things that I have learned from my father that I thought I could pass on to others, that would help them in their lives,” Graham explained in an interview.

Each chapter starts with a Billy Graham quote, and there are poignant stories about their relationsh­ip, from the father’s admonishme­nt against playing with matches, to his advice to a son committing his life to Jesus at 22.

Others are laugh-out-loud funny, such as when Franklin Graham’s mother, Ruth Graham, spotted a “most ridiculous-looking man” walking down a beach wearing loud shorts, black socks and Hush Puppy shoes: “As he drew closer, she gasped. ‘Oh no, it’s my husband!’ ”

But Graham, now 65, doesn’t hold back his own views. He writes that while Republican­s shouldn’t take Christian voters for granted, “The progressiv­es have infiltrate­d our schools, our government and our nation. Progressiv­ism is nothing more than godless secularism, and it has stormed through the gates of America’s bulwark.”

“Unfortunat­ely this progressiv­e movement is more prevalent right now in the Democratic Party, but it’s also in the Republican Party. And it’s growing. And this is a very dangerous thing,” he said. “I was a Republican, and I went independen­t – I just got sick of all of them and didn’t want to be beholden to any group.”

Eschewing party labels would likely have pleased the father Graham describes as a humble man who wanted to keep the focus on God.

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