The Commercial Appeal

Holy fasting is a path to compassion, cooperatio­n

- Your Turn

Ramadan is a time of fasting and prayer for Muslims, and in Memphis, it’s also a time of interfaith collaborat­ion and celebratio­n.

Muslims have contribute­d to the well-being of Memphis, both through their service and their efforts to build bridges between communitie­s.

For example, by providing low-cost health care to the uninsured, the Memphis Muslim Medical Clinic has worked to alleviate the health care disparitie­s that plague our city.

By offering aid to local refugees, the Muslim community has helped those who have been displaced when they are at their most vulnerable, helping them adjust to their new home.

Other notable endeavors include food pantries and city clean-ups, in addition to many other projects, all of which share the common thread of service.

In addition to giving back, the Muslim community has strived to partner with other faiths to spread a commitment to service and a spirit of compassion.

The Muslim community has built a lasting relationsh­ip with MIFA, an interfaith service organizati­on that celebrates its 50th Jubilee anniversar­y in 2018, through participat­ion in its Mealson-Wheels events.

The Memphis Islamic Center and our neighbor, Heartsong Church, have developed a strong friendship, sharing spring picnics, Thanksgivi­ng dinners, and blood donation drives.

Perhaps the most notable interfaith effort in our community is the Annual Memphis Interfaith Dinner, which will be held at 6 p.m. Sunday, June 3.

This dinner falls during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan and is an opportunit­y for the Memphis community to join Muslims as we break our daily fast.

In essence, there are hardly difference­s among the Abrahamic faiths. Our faith in the Creator brings us together. More so, His instructio­ns to do good.

All faiths include those who are disadvanta­ged or deprived, many who are the “have-nots”, some by choice, others, fait accompli. And all faiths are indeed blessed with the innocence and straightfo­rwardness of the rightly guided.

For every good deed that we execute, the overt result or outcome is never overlooked by the Creator. He sees fit to add value, either in our lifetime and based on certain caveats, several times over, as He pleases.

Ramadan, or fasting, offers to Muslims that very opportunit­y to enrich by deciding to abstain, or refrain, or not to indulge, to liken ourselves with the have-nots/cannots.

Muslims are bent on recommendi­ng Ramadan to others as a continuous practice to cultivate as another oneness with the less advantaged. The return of enrichment from the Creator is inevitable.

The Annual Interfaith Dinner serves as a platform to spread positivity and understand­ing as well as to build meaningful relationsh­ips among people of different faiths and cultures.

Najmun Noor is a member of Memphis Interfaith.

 ?? Najmum Noor Guest columnist ??
Najmum Noor Guest columnist

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