The Commercial Appeal

Reader regrets what she said


I was at a party the other night and had a little too much to drink. Some of the people there were asking me about my past, and I told them about the man I was in love with years ago. All I said was that I used to be in love with him; nothing ever happened between us. I have been married for many years and we are doing just fine, but it was obvious that there’s still something there between me and thi other guy. I keep those feelings to myself, but my loos lips messed me up this time. I’m afraid that the wome I was talking to might bring this up again or even say something to my husband. Should I just let it go? Wha do I do or say if they bring up my revelation again?

Too many people have spilled their secrets after one too many drinks. If you have never done anything except remember your torch from years back and say it out loud, you should be OK Play out the scenarios in your head. If the women you were talking to told your husband, what would you say? Start with the truth: You were in love with this guy back in the day, and you remembered it when you were talking with these women about your past.

What you shouldn’t do is bring it up again with the women or anybody else. Instead, bury that torch and focus on the life you have built with your husband. Th two of you deserve your full focus and love. If your commitment to your husband is strong, this blunder shouldn’t matter.

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