The Commercial Appeal

Hardback nonfiction


1. by David Sedaris (Little, Brown). A collection of comedic stories on mortality, middle age and a beach house dubbed the Sea Section. 2. by Jon Meacham (Random House). The Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer contextual­izes the present political climate through the lens of difficult moments in American history. 3. by Newt Gingrich (Center Street). The former speaker of the House’s views on the achievemen­ts of and obstacles facing the current administra­tion. 4. by Anthony Ray Hinton with Lara Love Hardin (St. Martin’s). A wrongfully imprisoned man on death row becomes a beacon to his fellow inmates. 5. by John McCain and Mark Salter (Simon & Schuster). A memoir by the Republican senator from Arizona. 6. by Michael Pollan (Penguin Press). A personal account of how psychedeli­cs might help the mentally ill and people dealing with everyday challenges. 7. by Dan Abrams and David Fisher (Hanover Square). The 1859 courtroom battle in which Abraham Lincoln defended the murderer of his protégé. 8. by Bret Baier and Catherine Whitney (Morrow). The Fox News anchor describes Ronald Reagan’s 1988 visit to the Soviet capital. 9. by Ben Rhodes (Random House). A memoir by the former speechwrit­er and deputy national security advisor to President Obama. 10. by James Comey (Flatiron). The former F.B.I. director recounts cases and personal events that shaped his outlook on justice, and analyzes the leadership styles of three presidents.

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