The Commercial Appeal

Another vote of no confidence in city council


No wonder Memphis City Council members don’t seem to trust the voting process. They aren’t very good at it.

Last Tuesday, council members tried to appoint someone to replace District 1 council member Bill Morrison, who resigned Nov. 1. After more than 100 rounds of voting over several hours, they failed.

This is the same council that tried to get voters to make it easier for them to win re-election by repealing instant and regular runoffs. Voters said no.

This is the same council that tried to get voters to extend their term limits and let them stay on the council for 12 years instead of eight. Voters said no.

Now they are bypassing those pesky voters entirely by choosing three new council members. Maybe they should have asked voters to do it.

Morrison’s successor needed seven votes from the remaining 12 council members. Rhonda Logan, executive director of the Raleigh Community Developmen­t Corporatio­n, never got more than six. Lonnie Treadway, sales manager for Flinn Broadcasti­ng, never got more than four.

Council members plan to try again Dec. 4, but it won’t get any easier. Two of the six votes for Logan won’t be there. Super District 8 council member Janis Fullilove resigned last Friday. District 6 council member Edmund Ford Jr. resigned Sunday.

The council is scheduled to fill those two seats Dec. 18. By then, the council might have only 10 members. If 12 members couldn’t make a decision after 100 rounds and hours of voting, well ...

The three council members who resigned last month could have spared the city this embarrassm­ent. They could have and should have resigned immediatel­y after they were elected to county offices Aug. 2.

That would have given the election commission plenty of time to let voters decide who would represent them by including all three positions on the Nov. 6 ballot. But council members (and council attorney Allen Wade) are more interested in maintainin­g power than sharing it with voters.

The three new appointed members will serve until the October 2019 elections. By then, they will have all of the advantages of incumbency, if they seek election to regular four-year terms.

That’s how council member Ford Canale made the team. He was appointed last May to fill the seat vacated by Philip Spinosa. He was easily elected 10 weeks later.

Council chairman Berlin Boyd was appointed to the council twice, once in 2011 and again in January 2015. He won election to a four-year term in November 2015.

By the end of this year, the council will have appointed five of its own 13 members.

As the Rev. Earle Fisher, lead organizer of #UPTheVote9­01, warned in a guest column here in June, these appointmen­ts “give a handful of politician­s as much or more power than voters.”

As Fisher also noted, “These types of developmen­ts contribute to the deep suspicions and distrust many Memphians (and many Americans) feel regarding electoral politics.”

City council members could allay some of that mistrust by appointing “interim” council members who promise not to seek re-election.

It’s time the council demonstrat­ed some trust in the voters who put them there in the first place.

Viewpoint Editor David Waters wrote this editorial on behalf of The Commercial Appeal Editorial Board, which also includes President Mike Jung, Executive Editor Mark Russell, columnists Tonyaa Weathersbe­e and Ted Evanoff, and Digital Strategist Dann Miller.

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