The Commercial Appeal

She’s invited to State of the Union but she’s a danger?

- Tonyaa Weathersbe­e Columnist Memphis Commercial Appeal USA TODAY NETWORK – TENN.

If U.S. Attorney Michael Dunavant attended the talk that Alice Marie Johnson gave at the National Civil Rights Museum last month, he must have missed her introducti­on.

“Who is Alice Marie Johnson?” she said. “Alice Marie Johnson is a woman who has made some mistakes in her life. But by the grace of God, I was given a second chance at life …”

So, the second sentence out of Johnson’s mouth, whose life sentence on conspiracy charges for her role in a 1994 Houston-to-memphis drug traffickin­g ring was commuted by President Donald Trump last year after urging from Kim Kardashian West, was an admission of wrongdoing.

But apparently Dunavant doesn’t care about that. Nor does he care about her two decades of teaching her fellow inmates computer and writing skills. Nor does he care about how she showed many of them how to find value in their lives so that incarcerat­ion could become an exercise in redemption rather than punishment.

Dunavant wrote an eight-page response objecting to a request that Johnson’s attorneys made to the U.S. District Court of Western Tennessee this month that she be released from her five-year supervisio­n.

Federal prisoners can ask the court to release them from supervisio­n after they’ve served a year — which Johnson has completed.

Being released from it would give her greater freedom to travel and to encourage others, like the audience at the civil rights museum, with her message of redemption and hope. But Dunavant doesn’t want that. Among other things, Dunavant believes Johnson hasn’t been fully repentant of her crime. He states her supervised release meets statutory guidelines as a deterrent, to protect the public and to avoid “unwarrante­d disparitie­s among the defendant’s sentence and the sentences for similarly placed defendants.”

He also believes Johnson, who sat next to Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, at the State of the Union last February, is motivated by greed because of the money and fame she is gaining through selling her book, “After Life: My Journey from Incarcerat­ion to Freedom,” and through her talks.

Dunavant needs to let this go. It’s dumb.

First, Johnson has been repentant. She’s not ashes and sackcloth repentant, but she shouldn’t be.

While prosecutor­s have described her as being a kingpin of the operation, she says what she did amounted to allowing trafficker­s to use her phone to conduct drug deals.

So at its core, her offense was a nonviolent one that she committed at a time when she was jobless and struggling to keep her lights on and the bellies of her five children full.

Her punishment — a life sentence plus 25 years — simply didn’t fit the crime. Period.

And Johnson’s speeches, in which she talks about what drove her to become a telephone mule and how she found the strength to help others and herself, is more of a deterrent than being supervised for another four years.

It’ s ludicrous to think that Johnson, with the purpose she has found for herself, would lapse back into criminalit­y if she’s not being overseen.

Dunavant also states that keeping Johnson supervised is necessary to protect the public and to avoid disparitie­s in punishment. Now, this might be the dumbest part. It’s doubtful the public needs much protection from a 64-year-old grandmothe­r who spent the past two decades of her life incarcerat­ed. Also, as far as disparitie­s go, in the broadest sense anyone who receives a commutatio­n has already received special treatment — as other inmates, like Johnson, may deserve a commutatio­n, but haven’t had a celebrity to champion them.

Making Johnson complete the next four years of her supervised release isn’t going to make that situation less unequal.

Dunavant describes Johnson as being motivated by greed and infers that she should simply be grateful that Trump commuted her sentence to begin with.

Johnson is grateful not just to Trump, but to God. Which is a huge reason why she wrote a book and is sharing her story.

Now, I could understand Dunavant objecting to Johnson’s release from supervisio­n if she were making money bragging about her crime, or glorifying the drug trade.

If she had written a book about how she got away with being a telephone mule, or if she was talking about how she duped the system, I could understand the disdain.

Instead, Johnson is telling her story to force people to take a deeper look at how the criminal justice system is stacked against people like her, people who wind up making bad choices because of poverty and desperatio­n.

At her talks, no one celebrates Johnson as one who gamed the criminal justice system, but as one who survived it — and as one who, even as she uses her story to try to reform it, tells others to not put themselves in a position to have to live through it.

“I’m not saying that I didn’t commit a crime, because I did,” Johnson said last month. “I just didn’t deserve the sentence that I received.”

She didn’t — and that’s why her voice is needed in this political moment.

And if Johnson intends to use her non-supervisio­n to spread her message, well, then, holding her to those four years of being overseen is, again, dumb — and more about punishment than justice.

Because it’s not like no one will know where she is. Or what she’s doing.

Tonyaa Weathersbe­e can be reached at tonyaa.weathersbe­e@commercial or on Twitter: @tonyaajw.

 ?? TONYAA ?? Alice Marie Johnson, right, joins Faith Morris, chief marketing and external affairs officer of the National Civil Rights Museum, to discuss her book, “After Life.” Johnson was the museum’s Catalyst for Change speaker. A clip of Kim Kardashian calling Johnson to tell her she was free is in the background. WEATHERSBE­E/THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL
TONYAA Alice Marie Johnson, right, joins Faith Morris, chief marketing and external affairs officer of the National Civil Rights Museum, to discuss her book, “After Life.” Johnson was the museum’s Catalyst for Change speaker. A clip of Kim Kardashian calling Johnson to tell her she was free is in the background. WEATHERSBE­E/THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL
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